MVC.Net - 缓存用户对象为应用程序提供数据(问总结)

MVC.Net - Caching user object to provide data for app (ask summed up)

我非常感谢一些建议,以帮助我进行对象缓存。 这是我的需求:我想根据存储在 SQL 数据库中的用户角色过滤我的控制器的一些操作。

我现在正在做的是:当当前用户的第一个请求完成时,我生成一个对象,其中包含一些由 SQL 查询初始化的属性。我正在使用自定义提供程序将此对象存储到会话中,并且我正在使用自定义角色提供程序来处理授权过滤器标签。如果会话过期用户被重新生成.. 就像那样(简化):


Public class User

   public property Login as string
   public property IsAdmin as boolean

   public sub Init(byval pLogin as string)
        Login = pLogin
        //Do some logic on database to provides roles....
        IsAdmin = dbReturnIsAdmin
   end sub

   public readonly property RolesList as string()
          Return New String() {If(IsAdmin, "UserIsAdmin", "")}
       End get
   end property 

End class


Public Class SessionProvider

   Private Const SESSION_USER As String = "SESSION_USER"

    Public Shared Sub ReloadUser()
        //'This instruction initiate user and load roles into an User class type object
        HttpContext.Current.Session(SESSION_USER) = StructureService.GetInitializedUser(My.User.Name, UowProvider.StructureUow)
    End Sub

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property User() As Application.User
            //'If user doesn't exist so we create an user

            If HttpContext.Current.Session(SESSION_USER) Is Nothing Then ReloadUser()

            //'Return user
            Return CType(HttpContext.Current.Session(SESSION_USER), Application.User)
        End Get
    End Property

End Class


Public Class AuthentifiedRoleProvider
    Inherits RoleProvider
    //Implement base role provider....

    Public Overrides Function GetRolesForUser(username As String) As String()
        return SessionProvider.User.RolesList
    End Function

End Class

实施 - WebConfig

    <system.web> .....
     <roleManager cacheRolesInCookie="false" defaultProvider="DefaultRoleProvider" enabled="true">
             <clear />
             <add name="DefaultRoleProvider" type="AuthentifiedRoleProvider" />

实施 - 控制器

    Public Function List_Items() As ActionResult
        Return View()
    End Function


但是,我想知道这是否真的是实现该目标的好方法。 由于我的应用程序上有一个站点地图,该站点地图涉及控制器操作,因此每次加载菜单时都会请求 sessionprovider 用户(顺便说一下 http 会话)4 或 5 次。



Anyway, do you think this implementation is a good to achieve my goals ?


  1. 出于某种原因,您将会话状态与用户配置文件数据相关联。会话状态与 Authorization/Authentication 无关,它是 not recommended to use it for User Profile data,因为使用会话状态(在任何实际意义上)意味着您需要为应用程序的每个 HTTP 请求发送 2 个额外的网络请求。此外,无论用户是否登录,这些额外的请求都会发生。
  2. MvcSiteMapProvider 不依赖会话状态。它使用共享缓存将节点存储在 RAM 中,并使用 AuthorizeAttribute 来确定每个请求要 show/hide 的节点。

如果您发现每个请求多次请求相同的数据,您应该尝试通过使用标准的 请求缓存 (HttpContextBase.Items)与此类似的缓存检索模式:

Public Function GetSomeData() As ISomeData
    Dim key As String = "SomeDataKey"
    ' Me.cache refers to HttpContextBase.Items injected through 
    ' the constructor of this class and stored in a private field
    Dim someData As ISomeData = TryCast(Me.cache(key), ISomeData) 
    If someData Is Nothing Then
        ' The data is not cached, so look it up and populate the cache
        someData = GetDataFromExternalSource()
        Me.cache(key) = someData
    End If
    Return someData
End Function

将这样的方法放入组件之间共享的服务中意味着您不必担心在请求中多次检索相同的数据 - 第一次它会命中外部源,并且每次额外它将使用缓存的时间。

此外,根据 MSDN

There are two primary reasons for creating a custom role provider.

  1. You need to store role information in a data source that is not supported by the role providers included with the .NET Framework, such as a FoxPro database, an Oracle database, or other data sources.
  2. You need to manage role information using a database schema that is different from the database schema used by the providers that ship with the .NET Framework. A common example of this would be role data that already exists in a SQL Server database for a company or Web site.

因此,如果您没有做这两件事中的任何一件,那也可能不是正确的选择。大多数现代应用程序可以 use/extend ASP.NET Identity for user authentication and all MVC applications should use the AuthorizeAttribute(或其子类)进行授权。


Dim key As String = UserId & "|UserProfile"


无论如何,我建议您遵循 think twice about using Session State 中的建议。 MVC 使我们在许多情况下不必使用会话状态 - 除非绝对需要,否则我们不应该使用它。



   Public Class UserProvider

    Private Const USER_CACHE_PREFIX As String = "User|"

    Private Shared Sub AddUserToCache(ByVal pLogin As String, ByVal pUser As Application.User)
        Dim objCache As ObjectCache = MemoryCache.Default
        objCache.Add(USER_CACHE_PREFIX & pLogin, pUser, New CacheItemPolicy With {.SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)})
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function GetUserFromCache(ByVal pLogin As String) As Application.User
        Dim objCache As ObjectCache = MemoryCache.Default
        //Return cache if exists
        If objCache.Contains(USER_CACHE_PREFIX & pLogin) Then
            Return CType(objCache.GetCacheItem(USER_CACHE_PREFIX & pLogin).Value, Application.User)
            Return Nothing
        End If
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ReloadUser(ByVal pLogin As String) As Application.User
        Dim objCache As ObjectCache = MemoryCache.Default
        Dim tmpLogin As String = My.User.Name
        //Clear cache
        If objCache.Contains(USER_CACHE_PREFIX & tmpLogin) Then objCache.Remove(USER_CACHE_PREFIX & pLogin)
        Dim tmpUser As Application.User = StructureService.GetInitializedUser(pLogin, UowProvider.StructureUow) 
        AddUserToCache(tmpLogin, tmpUser)
        return tmpUser
    End Function

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property User() As Application.User
            Dim tmpLogin As String = My.User.Name
            //Try to get user from cache
            Dim tmpUser As Application.User = GetUserFromCache(tmpLogin)
            //If user is null then init and cache
            If tmpUser Is Nothing Then
                tmpUser = StructureService.GetInitializedUser(tmpLogin, UowProvider.StructureUow) 
                AddUserToCache(tmpLogin, tmpUser)

            End If

            //return  user
            Return tmpUser
        End Get
    End Property

End Class