Python- 显示 table 中的常用词并跳过某些词

Python- displaying frequent words in a table and skipping certain words

目前我正在对一个文本文件进行频率分析,显示该文本文件中最常用的前 100 个单词。目前我正在使用此代码:

from collections import Counter
import re
words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('tweets.txt').read().lower())
print Counter(words).most_common (100)


[('the', 1998), ('t', 1829), ('https', 1620), ('co', 1604), ('to', 1247), ('and', 1053), ('in', 957), ('a', 899), ('of', 821), ('i', 789), ('is', 784), ('you', 753), ('will', 654), ('for', 601), ('on', 574), ('thank', 470), ('be', 455), ('great', 447), ('hillary', 440), ('we', 390), ('that', 373), ('s', 363), ('it', 346), ('with', 345), ('at', 333), ('me', 327), ('are', 311), ('amp', 290), ('clinton', 288), ('trump', 287), ('have', 286), ('our', 264), ('realdonaldtrump', 256), ('my', 244), ('all', 237), ('crooked', 236), ('so', 233), ('by', 226), ('this', 222), ('was', 217), ('people', 216), ('has', 210), ('not', 210), ('just', 210), ('america', 204), ('she', 190), ('they', 188), ('trump2016', 180), ('very', 180), ('make', 180), ('from', 175), ('rt', 170), ('out', 169), ('he', 168), ('her', 164), ('makeamericagreatagain', 164), ('join', 161), ('as', 158), ('new', 157), ('who', 155), ('again', 154), ('about', 145), ('no', 142), ('get', 138), ('more', 137), ('now', 136), ('today', 136), ('president', 135), ('can', 134), ('time', 123), ('media', 123), ('vote', 117), ('but', 117), ('am', 116), ('bad', 116), ('going', 115), ('maga', 112), ('u', 112), ('many', 110), ('if', 110), ('country', 108), ('big', 108), ('what', 107), ('your', 105), ('cnn', 105), ('never', 104), ('one', 101), ('up', 101), ('back', 99), ('jobs', 98), ('tonight', 97), ('do', 97), ('been', 97), ('would', 94), ('obama', 93), ('tomorrow', 88), ('said', 88), ('like', 88), ('should', 87), ('when', 86)]

但是,我想以 table 形式显示它,其中包含 header "Word" 和 "Count"。我试过使用 prettytable 包并想出了这个:

from collections import Counter
import re
import prettytable

words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('tweets.txt').read().lower())

for label, data in ('Word', words):
    pt = prettytable(field_names=[label, 'Count'])
    c = Counter(data)
    [pt.add_row(kv) for kv in c.most_common() [:100] ]
    pt.align [label], pt.align['Count'] = '1', 'r'
    print pt

它给了我 ValueError: too many values to unpack。我的问题是,我的代码有什么问题,有没有办法使用 prettytable 显示数据?另外,我该如何修改我的代码?

奖金问题:有没有办法在计算频率时遗漏某些单词?例如跳过单词:and, if, of etc etc



from prettytable import PrettyTable

x = PrettyTable(["Words", "Counts"])

L = [('the', 1998), ('t', 1829), ('https', 1620), ('co', 1604), ('to', 1247), ('and', 1053), ('in', 957), ('a', 899), ('of', 821), ('i', 789), ('is', 784), ('you', 753), ('will', 654), ('for', 601), ('on', 574), ('thank', 470), ('be', 455), ('great', 447), ('hillary', 440), ('we', 390), ('that', 373), ('s', 363), ('it', 346), ('with', 345), ('at', 333), ('me', 327), ('are', 311), ('amp', 290), ('clinton', 288), ('trump', 287), ('have', 286), ('our', 264), ('realdonaldtrump', 256), ('my', 244), ('all', 237), ('crooked', 236), ('so', 233), ('by', 226), ('this', 222), ('was', 217), ('people', 216), ('has', 210), ('not', 210), ('just', 210), ('america', 204), ('she', 190), ('they', 188), ('trump2016', 180), ('very', 180), ('make', 180), ('from', 175), ('rt', 170), ('out', 169), ('he', 168), ('her', 164), ('makeamericagreatagain', 164), ('join', 161), ('as', 158), ('new', 157), ('who', 155), ('again', 154), ('about', 145), ('no', 142), ('get', 138), ('more', 137), ('now', 136), ('today', 136), ('president', 135), ('can', 134), ('time', 123), ('media', 123), ('vote', 117), ('but', 117), ('am', 116), ('bad', 116), ('going', 115), ('maga', 112), ('u', 112), ('many', 110), ('if', 110), ('country', 108), ('big', 108), ('what', 107), ('your', 105), ('cnn', 105), ('never', 104), ('one', 101), ('up', 101), ('back', 99), ('jobs', 98), ('tonight', 97), ('do', 97), ('been', 97), ('would', 94), ('obama', 93), ('tomorrow', 88), ('said', 88), ('like', 88), ('should', 87), ('when', 86)]

for e in L:

print x


|         Words         | Counts |
|          the          |  1998  |
|           t           |  1829  |
|         https         |  1620  |
|           co          |  1604  |
|           to          |  1247  |
|          and          |  1053  |
|           in          |  957   |
|           a           |  899   |
|           of          |  821   |
|           i           |  789   |
|           is          |  784   |
|          you          |  753   |
|          will         |  654   |
|          for          |  601   |
|           on          |  574   |
|         thank         |  470   |
|           be          |  455   |
|         great         |  447   |
|        hillary        |  440   |
|           we          |  390   |
|          that         |  373   |
|           s           |  363   |
|           it          |  346   |
|          with         |  345   |
|           at          |  333   |
|           me          |  327   |
|          are          |  311   |
|          amp          |  290   |
|        clinton        |  288   |
|         trump         |  287   |
|          have         |  286   |
|          our          |  264   |
|    realdonaldtrump    |  256   |
|           my          |  244   |
|          all          |  237   |
|        crooked        |  236   |
|           so          |  233   |
|           by          |  226   |
|          this         |  222   |
|          was          |  217   |
|         people        |  216   |
|          has          |  210   |
|          not          |  210   |
|          just         |  210   |
|        america        |  204   |
|          she          |  190   |
|          they         |  188   |
|       trump2016       |  180   |
|          very         |  180   |
|          make         |  180   |
|          from         |  175   |
|           rt          |  170   |
|          out          |  169   |
|           he          |  168   |
|          her          |  164   |
| makeamericagreatagain |  164   |
|          join         |  161   |
|           as          |  158   |
|          new          |  157   |
|          who          |  155   |
|         again         |  154   |
|         about         |  145   |
|           no          |  142   |
|          get          |  138   |
|          more         |  137   |
|          now          |  136   |
|         today         |  136   |
|       president       |  135   |
|          can          |  134   |
|          time         |  123   |
|         media         |  123   |
|          vote         |  117   |
|          but          |  117   |
|           am          |  116   |
|          bad          |  116   |
|         going         |  115   |
|          maga         |  112   |
|           u           |  112   |
|          many         |  110   |
|           if          |  110   |
|        country        |  108   |
|          big          |  108   |
|          what         |  107   |
|          your         |  105   |
|          cnn          |  105   |
|         never         |  104   |
|          one          |  101   |
|           up          |  101   |
|          back         |   99   |
|          jobs         |   98   |
|        tonight        |   97   |
|           do          |   97   |
|          been         |   97   |
|         would         |   94   |
|         obama         |   93   |
|        tomorrow       |   88   |
|          said         |   88   |
|          like         |   88   |
|         should        |   87   |
|          when         |   86   |

编辑 1: 如果您想省略某些内容,您可以这样做:

for e in L:
    if e[0]!="and" or e[0]!="if" or e[0]!="of":

编辑 2:总结:

from collections import Counter
import re

words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('tweets.txt').read().lower())
counts = Counter(words).most_common (100)

from prettytable import PrettyTable

x = PrettyTable(["Words", "Counts"])

skip_list = ['and','if','or'] # see joe's comment

for e in counts:
    if e[0] not in skip_list:

print x

我不确定您希望您编写的 for 循环如何工作。您收到的错误是因为您试图遍历具有两个元素的元组 ('Word', words) 。语句 for label, data in ('Word', words) 试图将 'W' 分配给 label'o' 分配给 data,并以 'r''d' 结束在第一次迭代中。也许您打算将这些项目压缩在一起?但是那你为什么要为每个单词制作一个新的 table?


from collections import Counter
import re, prettytable

words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('tweets.txt').read().lower())
c = Counter(words)
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable(['Words', 'Counts'])
pt.align['Words'] = 'l'
pt.align['Counts'] = 'r'
for row in c.most_common(100):
print pt

要跳过最常见计数中的元素,您可以在调用 most_common 之前简单地从计数器中丢弃它们。一个简单的方法是定义一个无效单词列表,然后用字典理解过滤掉它们:

bad_words = ['the', 'if', 'of']
c = Counter({k: v for k, v in c.items() if k not in bad_words})


words = filter(lambda x: x not in bad_words, words)


from collections import Counter
import re, prettytable

bad_words = ['the', 'if', 'of']
words = re.findall(r'\w+', open('tweets.txt').read().lower())

c = Counter(words)
c = Counter({k: v for k, v in c.items() if k not in bad_words})

pt = prettytable.PrettyTable(['Words', 'Counts'])
pt.align['Words'] = 'l'
pt.align['Counts'] = 'r'
for row in c.most_common(100):
