swift 中的变异结构函数是否会创建一个新的 self 副本?

Does a mutating struct function in swift create a new copy of self?

我喜欢 swift 中的值语义,但我担心变异函数的性能。假设我们有以下 struct

struct Point {
   var x = 0.0
   mutating func add(_ t:Double){
      x += t

现在假设我们创建一个 Point 并将其改变为:

var p = Point()

现在内存中现有的 struct 会发生变异,还是 self 被新实例替换,如

self = Point(x:self.x+1)

Now does the existing struct in memory get mutated, or is self replaced with a new instance

从概念上讲,这两个选项完全相同。我将使用这个示例结构,它使用 UInt8 而不是 Double(因为它的位更容易可视化)。

struct Point {
    var x: UInt8
    var y: UInt8

    mutating func add(x: UInt8){
       self.x += x


var p = Point(x: 1, y: 2)


00000000  00000001  00000010  00000000
<------^  ^------^  ^------^ ^----->
other    | self.x | self.y | other memory
          the p struct

让我们看看当我们调用 p.add(x: 3):

  1. 现有结构已就地改变:


    00000000  00000100  00000010  00000000
    <------^  ^------^  ^------^ ^----->
    other    | self.x | self.y | other memory
            the p struct
  2. 自己被替换为一个新实例:


    00000000  00000100  00000010  00000000
    <------^  ^------^  ^------^ ^----->
    other    | self.x | self.y | other memory
            the p struct

请注意,这两种情况之间没有区别。那是因为为 self 分配一个新值会导致就地突变。 p 始终是堆栈上相同的两个字节内存。为 p 分配一个新值只会替换这 2 个字节的内容,但它仍然是相同的两个字节。

现在 可能是两种情况之间的一个区别,它处理初始化程序的任何可能的副作用。假设这是我们的结构,而不是:

struct Point {
    var x: UInt8
    var y: UInt8

    init(x: UInt8, y: UInt8) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        print("Init was run!")

    mutating func add(x: UInt8){
       self.x += x

当您 运行 var p = Point(x: 1, y: 2) 时,您会看到打印了 Init was run!(如预期的那样)。但是当你 运行 p.add(x: 3) 时,你会看到没有进一步打印。这告诉我们初始化器不是新的。


import Foundation

struct Point {
  var x = 0.0
  mutating func add(_ t:Double){
    x += t

var p = Point()

withUnsafePointer(to: &p) {
  print("\(p) has address: \([=10=])")


withUnsafePointer(to: &p) {
  print("\(p) has address: \([=10=])")


Point(x: 0.0) has address: 0x000000010fc2fb80

Point(x: 1.0) has address: 0x000000010fc2fb80



我觉得值得(从相当高的层次)看看编译器在这里做了什么。如果我们看一下为以下各项发出的规范 SIL:

struct Point {
    var x = 0.0
    mutating func add(_ t: Double){
        x += t

var p = Point()

我们可以看到 add(_:) 方法被发出为:

// Point.add(Double) -> ()
sil hidden @main.Point.add (Swift.Double) -> () :
           $@convention(method) (Double, <b>@inout Point</b>) -> () {
// %0                                             // users: %7, %2
// %1                                             // users: %4, %3
bb0(%0 : $Double, %1 : $*Point):

  // get address of the property 'x' within the point instance.
  %4 = struct_element_addr %1 : $*Point, #Point.x, loc "main.swift":14:9, scope 5 // user: %5

  // get address of the internal property '_value' within the Double instance.
  %5 = struct_element_addr %4 : $*Double, #Double._value, loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5 // users: %9, %6

  // load the _value from the property address.
  %6 = load %5 : $*Builtin.FPIEEE64, loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5 // user: %8

  // get the _value from the double passed into the method.
  %7 = struct_extract %0 : $Double, #Double._value, loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5 // user: %8

  // apply a builtin floating point addition operation (this will be replaced by an 'fadd' instruction in IR gen).
  %8 = builtin "fadd_FPIEEE64"(%6 : $Builtin.FPIEEE64, %7 : $Builtin.FPIEEE64) : $Builtin.FPIEEE64, loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5 // user: %9

  // store the result to the address of the _value property of 'x'.
  store %8 to %5 : $*Builtin.FPIEEE64, loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5 // id: %9

  %10 = tuple (), loc "main.swift":14:11, scope 5
  %11 = tuple (), loc "main.swift":15:5, scope 5  // user: %12
  return %11 : $(), loc "main.swift":15:5, scope 5 // id: %12
} // end sil function 'main.Point.add (Swift.Double) -> ()'

(by 运行 xcrun swiftc -emit-sil main.swift | xcrun swift-demangle > main.silgen)

这里重要的是 Swift 如何处理隐含的 self 参数。您可以看到它已作为 @inout 参数发出,这意味着它将通过 reference 传递到函数中。

为了执行x属性的变异,struct_element_addr SIL instruction is used in order to lookup its address, and then the underlying _value property of the Double. The resultant double is then simply stored back at that address with the store指令

这意味着 add(_:) 方法能够直接更改内存中 px 属性 的值,而无需创建任何中间实例Point.