在 class 中创建静态方法和字段

Make static methods and fields in class

我正在使用 Cudafy 将 algorithm 重写为 GPU。我需要调用 Execute() from 静态方法。需要在GPU上计算。我怎么能这样做?我应该将哪些字段或任何内容复制到静态中?

class 的对象是从非静态方法调用的,无法更改。它创建一个对象,执行(理想情况下),并得到三角形作为结果。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

using DICOMViewer.Helper;
using DICOMViewer.Volume;
using DICOMViewer.ImageFlow;

using Cudafy;
using Cudafy.Host;
using Cudafy.Translator;

namespace DICOMViewer.GPU
    class MarchingCubesOnGPU
        private static List<Triangle> theTriangles;
        // CPU fields
        private Point3D[] points = new Point3D[8];
        private int[] values = new int[8];
        private double theIsoValue;
        private List<Triangle> triangles;

        // GPU fields
        private static PointGPU[] pointsGpu = new PointGPU[8];
        static int[] valsGpu = new int[8];
        private static double[] isolevelGpu = new double[1];
        private static TriangleGPU[] trianglesGpu;

        public static int[] EdgeTableStatic = new int[256]
           // here are the values for edgeTable from the algorithm link

        public static int[,] TriTableStatic = new int[256, 16]
            // here are the values for triTable from the algorithm link

        public MarchingCubesOnGPU(GridCell grid, double isolevel, List<Triangle> theTriangleList)
            points = grid.p;
            values = grid.val;
            this.theIsoValue = isolevel;
            triangles = theTriangleList;
            theTriangles = new List<Triangle>();

            Execute(); // ???

        public List<Triangle> getTriangles()
            return theTriangles;

        // Convert fields for GPU
        public void ConvertToStandardTypes()
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                pointsGpu[i].x = points[i].X;
                pointsGpu[i].y = points[i].Y;
                pointsGpu[i].z = points[i].Z;

            valsGpu = values;
            isolevelGpu[0] = theIsoValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
                trianglesGpu[i].p[i].x = triangles[i].p[i].X;
                trianglesGpu[i].p[i].y = triangles[i].p[i].Y;
                trianglesGpu[i].p[i].z = triangles[i].p[i].Z;


        public static void Execute()
            CudafyModule km = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy();
            GPGPU gpu = CudafyHost.GetDevice(CudafyModes.Target, CudafyModes.DeviceId);

            TriangleGPU[] tris;

            PointGPU[] dev_points = gpu.Allocate(pointsGpu);
            int[] dev_values = gpu.Allocate(valsGpu);
            double[] dev_iso = gpu.Allocate<double>();
            TriangleGPU[] dev_triangles = gpu.Allocate(trianglesGpu);
            int[] dev_edgeTable = gpu.Allocate<int>();
            int[,] dev_triangleTable = gpu.Allocate(TriTableStatic);

            gpu.CopyToDevice(pointsGpu, dev_points);
            gpu.CopyToDevice(valsGpu, dev_values);
            gpu.CopyToDevice(isolevelGpu, dev_iso);
            gpu.CopyToDevice(trianglesGpu, dev_triangles);
            gpu.CopyToDevice(EdgeTableStatic, dev_edgeTable);
            gpu.CopyToDevice(TriTableStatic, dev_triangleTable);

            gpu.Launch().PolygoniseOnGpu(dev_iso, dev_edgeTable, dev_triangleTable, dev_points, dev_values, dev_triangles);

            for (int k = 0; k < dev_triangles.Length; k++)
                gpu.CopyFromDevice(dev_triangles, out trianglesGpu[k]);

            for (int i = 0; i < trianglesGpu.Length; i++)
                theTriangles[i].p[i].X = trianglesGpu[i].p[i].x;
                theTriangles[i].p[i].Y = trianglesGpu[i].p[i].y;
                theTriangles[i].p[i].Z = trianglesGpu[i].p[i].z;


        public void PolygoniseOnGpu(double[] iso, int[] edgeT, int[,] triT, PointGPU[] p, int[] v, TriangleGPU[] tri)
            int cubeindex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                if (valsGpu[i] < iso[0])
                    cubeindex |= 1 << i;

            if (EdgeTableStatic[cubeindex] == 0)

            PointGPU[] vertList = new PointGPU[12];

            // Find the vertices where the surface intersects the cube 
            for (int id = 1, count = 0; id < 2048; id *= 2, count++)
                if ((edgeT[cubeindex] & id) > 0)
                    vertList[count] = VertexInterpolation(iso[0], p[count], p[count + 1], v[count], v[count + 1]);

            // Create the triangle 
            for (int i = 0; triT[cubeindex, i] != -1; i += 3)
                TriangleGPU triangle = new TriangleGPU(3);

                triangle.p[0] = vertList[triT[cubeindex, i]];
                triangle.p[1] = vertList[triT[cubeindex, i + 1]];
                triangle.p[2] = vertList[triT[cubeindex, i + 2]];

                tri[i] = triangle;

    public struct TriangleGPU
        public PointGPU[] p;

        public TriangleGPU(int t)
            p = new PointGPU[t];

    public struct PointGPU
        public double x;
        public double y;
        public double z;

        public PointGPU(double x, double y, double z)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.z = z;

ADDED:Execute 应该是一个静态方法,但它只能从静态调用。在其他情况下,行:

CudafyModule km = CudafyTranslator.Cudafy();

不起作用,因为它不受非静态调用 Execute.



抱歉误传。问题出在 public void PolygoniseOnGpu(...) 中。它没有被标记为静态的。