使用 @RefreshScope 刷新 Bean 而无需更改配置

Refresh a Bean without configuration change with @RefreshScope


public class SampleKieConfiguration {

    public KieServices kieServices() {
        return KieServices.Factory.get();

    public KieContainer kieContainer() {

        ReleaseId releaseId = kieServices().newReleaseId("groupId", "artifactId", "version");
        KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices().newKieContainer(releaseId);
        return  kieContainer;

    public KieBase kieBase() {

        KieBaseConfiguration kieBaseConfiguration = kieServices().newKieBaseConfiguration();
        return kieContainer().newKieBase(kieBaseConfiguration);

kieServices().newKieScanner(kieContainer).start(10_000); 行基本上轮询远程 Maven 存储库并每 10 秒刷新一次 kieContainer 对象,如果有新工件。


public class SampleService {

    private KieBase kBase;


据我所知,当我调用 /refresh 端点时,kBase 对象没有刷新(至少没有使用新的 kieContainer 对象)。我没有集中配置,当我调用 /refresh 时收到警告。我想要实现的是每次 kieContainer 刷新时都有一个新的 kBase 对象。我怎样才能做到这一点?谢谢!

刷新不会遍历层次结构。它只是清除缓存并在下一次引用(通过它创建的代理)时重新创建 bean。在您的情况下,由于 KieBase 不是 @RefreshScope,因此不会重新创建。因此,将 @RefreshScope 添加到 KieBase 声明中。如果 SampleService 确实不需要重新创建,请删除 @RefreshScope 注释。


@RefreshScope works (technically) on an @Configuration class, but it might lead to surprising behaviour:
e.g. it does not mean that all the @Beans defined in that class are themselves @RefreshScope.
Specifically, anything that depends on those beans cannot rely on them being updated when a refresh is initiated,
unless it is itself in @RefreshScope (in which it will be rebuilt on a refresh and its dependencies re-injected,
at which point they will be re-initialized from the refreshed @Configuration).

所以我猜你还必须直接在 KieBase @Bean 上注释 @RefreshScope