Java 堆栈无法对数组类型 E[] 调用 push(E)

Java Stack Cannot invoke push(E) on the array type E[]

我有个问题。我知道如果我的堆栈已满,我必须分配一个双倍大小的新堆栈。我曾尝试使用临时堆栈,但在编译期间,我在 55 行看到错误。错误是 "Cannot invoke push(E) on the array type E[]"。我不知道为什么我不能执行此方法。

package stack;

import exception.EmptyStackException;

import exception.FullStackException;

public class ArrayStack<E> implements Stack<E>{

protected int capacity;
protected static final int CAPACITY = 1000;
protected E S[];
protected int top = -1;

public ArrayStack(int capacity){
    this.capacity = capacity;
    this.S = (E[]) new Object[this.capacity];

public ArrayStack(){

public int size() {
    return top+1;

public boolean isEmpety() {
    return ( < 0);

public E top() throws EmptyStackException {
        throw new EmptyStackException("Stack Vuoto.");
    return this.S[top];

public void push(E element) throws FullStackException, EmptyStackException {
    if(size() == capacity){

    //throw new FullStackException("Stack Pieno.");
    this.S[++top] = element;

private void tempStack(){
    E tempS[] = (E[]) new Object[this.capacity];
    E tempEl;
        tempEl = this.pop();
    this.capacity += this.capacity;
    this.S = null;
    this.S = (E[]) new Object[this.capacity];

public void union(Stack<E> s){


public E pop() throws EmptyStackException {
    E element;
        throw new EmptyStackException("Stack Vuoto.");
    element = S[top];
    this.S[top--] = null;
    return element;


tempS 不是 Stack,因此您不能为此变量调用 Stack 的方法。


E tempS[] = (E[]) new Object[this.capacity];

tempS 是一个数组而不是 Stack 所以你不能在它上面调用 push 方法