剂量反应 - 使用 R 进行全局曲线拟合

Dose Response - Global curve fitting using R

我有以下剂量反应数据,希望绘制剂量反应模型和全局拟合曲线。 [xdata = 药物浓度; ydata(0-5) = 不同药物浓度下的响应值]。我毫无问题地绘制了标准曲线。


df <- data.frame(xdata = c(1000.00,300.00,100.00,30.00,10.00,3.00,1.00,0.30,
                 ydata = c(91.8,95.3,100,123,203,620,1210,1520,1510,1520,1590,

nls.fit <- nls(ydata ~ (ymax*xdata / (ec50 + xdata)) + Ns*xdata + ymin, data=df,
               start=list(ymax=1624.75, ymin = 91.85, ec50 = 3, Ns = 0.2045514))


df <- data.frame(
        xdata = c(10000,5000,2500,1250,625,312.5,156.25,78.125,39.063,19.531,9.766,4.883,
        ydata1 = c(97.147, 98.438, 96.471, 73.669, 60.942, 45.106, 1.260, 18.336, 9.951, 2.060, 
                   0.192, 0.492, -0.310, 0.591, 0.789, 0.075, 0.474, 0.278, 0.399, 0.217, 1.021, -1.263),
        ydata2 = c(116.127, 124.104, 110.091, 111.819, 118.274, 78.069, 52.807, 40.182, 26.862, 
                   15.464, 6.865, 3.385, 10.621, 0.299, 0.883, 0.717, 1.283, 0.555, 0.454, 1.192, 0.155, 1.245),
        ydata3 = c(108.410, 127.637, 96.471, 124.903, 136.536, 104.696, 74.890, 50.699, 47.494, 23.866, 
                   20.057, 10.434, 2.831, 2.261, 1.085, 0.399, 1.284, 0.045, 0.376, -0.157, 1.158, 0.281),
        ydata4 = c(107.281, 118.274, 99.051, 99.493, 104.019, 99.582, 87.462, 75.322, 47.393, 42.459, 
                   8.311, 23.155, 3.268, 5.494, 2.097, 2.757, 1.438, 0.655, 0.782, 1.128, 1.323, 0.645),
        ydata0 = c(109.455, 104.989, 101.665, 101.205, 108.410, 101.573, 119.375, 101.757, 65.660, 35.672, 
                   31.613, 12.323, 25.515, 17.283, 7.170, 2.771, 2.655, 0.491, 0.290, 0.535, 0.298, 0.106))

当我尝试使用下面提供的 R 脚本获取拟合参数时,出现以下错误:

nls(ydata1 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP - BOTTOM)/(1 + 10^((logEC50 - xdata) * :
错误 奇异梯度

nls.fit1 <- nls(ydata1 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP-BOTTOM)/(1+10**((logEC50-xdata)*hillSlope)), data=df,
                start=list(TOP = max(df$ydata1), BOTTOM = min(df$ydata1),hillSlope = 1.0, logEC50 = 4.310345e-08))

nls.fit2 <- nls(ydata2 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP-BOTTOM)/(1+10**((logEC50-xdata)*hillSlope)), data=df,
                start=list(TOP = max(df$ydata2), BOTTOM = min(df$ydata2),hillSlope = 1.0, logEC50 = 4.310345e-08))

nls.fit3 <- nls(ydata3 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP-BOTTOM)/(1+10**((logEC50-xdata)*hillSlope)), data=df,
                start=list(TOP = max(df$ydata3), BOTTOM = min(df$ydata3),hillSlope = 1.0, logEC50 = 4.310345e-08))

nls.fit4 <- nls(ydata4 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP-BOTTOM)/(1+10**((logEC50-xdata)*hillSlope)), data=df,
               start=list(TOP = max(df$ydata4), BOTTOM = min(df$ydata4),hillSlope = 1.0, logEC50 = 4.310345e-08))

nls.fit5 <- nls(ydata0 ~ BOTTOM + (TOP-BOTTOM)/(1+10**((logEC50-xdata)*hillSlope)), data=df,
                start=list(TOP = max(df$ydata0), BOTTOM = min(df$ydata0),hillSlope = 1.0, logEC50 = 4.310345e-08))


首先注意 xdata 的最大值与最小值之比为 200 万,因此我们可能想使用 log(xdata) 代替 xdata

现在,进行此更改后,我们得到 drc package but with a slightly different parameterization than in the question. Assuming that you are ok with these changes we can fit the first model as follows. See ?LL2.4 for the details of the parameterization and see the relevant examples at the bottom of ?ryegrass 的 4 参数对数逻辑 LL2.4 模型。这里 df 是问题中显示的 df -- LL2.4 模型本身进行 log(xdata) 转换。


fm1 <- drm(ydata1 ~ xdata, data = df, fct = LL2.4())

这里我们拟合了所有 5 个模型,从最后的图中我们可以看出拟合非常好。


fun <- function(yname) {
  fo <- as.formula(paste(yname, "~ xdata"))
  fit <- do.call("drm", list(fo, data = quote(df), fct = quote(LL2.4())))

par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
L <- Map(fun, names(df)[-1])
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

sapply(L, coef)


                     ydata1   ydata2   ydata3   ydata4   ydata0
    b:(Intercept)  -1.37395  -1.1411  -1.1337  -1.0633  -1.6525
    c:(Intercept)   0.70388   1.9364   1.5800   1.3751   5.7010
    d:(Intercept) 101.02741 122.0825 120.8042 108.2420 107.9106
    e:(Intercept)   6.17225   5.0686   4.3215   3.7139   3.2813


只是 G.Grothendieck 上面关于叠加图的回答的附录,以防万一。

ys <- names(df)[-1]
for (i in 1:ys)  
 {fo <- as.formula(paste(ys[i], "~ xdata"))
  fit <- do.call("drm", list(fo, data = quote(df), fct = quote(LL2.4())))
    plot(fit, pch = 19+ x, ylim = c( min(df[,-1]),max(df[,-1])))