
VBA sort decending not sorting, unpredictable looping

我是运行一个宏,用于从工作簿中删除格式,对 s 列进行降序排序删除列 s 中的值低于 0.501 的行。

但是,我发现了其他问题。代码看起来相当不可预测。 Sort descending based on column s 不会对所有工作表中的行进行排序。如果我将 Range 更改为 .Range,代码就会中断。

           Sub sort_delete_500cust()

     Dim WS_Count As Integer
     Dim i, K As Integer
     Dim endrow As Long
     Dim output_wb As Workbook

     ' Set WS_Count equal to the number of worksheets in the active
     ' workbook.
     Set output_wb = Workbooks("DMA_customers_5.xlsx")
        With output_wb

            WS_Count = output_wb.Worksheets.count

            ' Begin the loop.
            For i = 1 To WS_Count

                With output_wb.Worksheets(i)
                    'MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(I).Name

                    endrow = .Range("a" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row

                                'key is the sort by column' only works if cells are unmerged
                    Range("A2:v" & endrow).Sort _
                    Key1:=Range("s2"), Order1:=xlDescending

                        For K = endrow To 2 Step -1

                            If CDec(.Cells(K, 19).Value) < 0.501 Then
                                'You need to traverse your K loop in reverse order. Otherwise rows will be skipped as you delete because they are shifted up by the delete operation and you K value increments over them.
                            .Range("S" & K).EntireRow.Delete
                            End If

                        Next K
                End With

            Next i

    End With



.Sort 行代码应引用您正在使用的 Worksheet。所以,它应该使用 .Range(... 而不是 Range(...)。在您的情况下,它会引发错误,因为排序键还必须引用工作表。


.Range("A2:v" & endrow).Sort _
Key1:=.Range("s2"), Order1:=xlDescending