如何嵌套 graphql 查询

how to nest graphql queries

我找到的所有示例都有一个 query 顶级对象,然后是一个查询列表,然后 return 键入更深入的内容。


const AppType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'App',
    description: 'Generic App Details',

    fields: () => ({
        name: { type: GraphQLString },
        appId: { type: GraphQLInt },

const MyFirstQuery = {
    type: new GraphQLList(AppType),
    args: {
        appId: { type: GraphQLInt },
    resolve: (root, args) => fetchApp(args.appId),

/* snip MySecondQuery, MyThirdQuery, MyFourthQuery */

const MyFirstGroupQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'myFirstGroup',
    description: 'the first group of queries',

    fields: () => ({
        myFirstQuery: MyFirstQuery,
        mySecondQuery: MySecondQuery,
        myThirdQuery: MyThirdQuery,
        myFourthQuery: MyFourthQuery,

/* snip MySecondGroupQuery, MyThirdGroupQuery and their types */    

const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'query',
    description: 'read-only query',

    fields: () => ({
        myFirstGroup: MyFirstGroupQuery,
        mySecondGroup: MySecondGroupQuery,
        myThirdGroup: MyThirdGroupQuery,

const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
    query: QueryType,

为什么我不能像 QueryType 那样制作 MyFirstGroupQuery 来制作更多的嵌套层次?如果我将所有查询放在 QueryType 中,代码工作正常,但我的 MyFirstGroupQuery 产生错误:

Error: query.myFirstGroup field type must be Output Type but got: undefined.


错误 query.myFirstGroup field type must be Output Type but got: undefined. 表示您没有提供 myFirstGroup 的类型 您必须使用 type 字段


myFirstGroup: { type: MyFirstGroupQuery, resolve: () => MyFirstGroupQuery, },

并且如果类型 MyFirstGroupQuery 每个字段必须具有 type 定义,例如 GraphQLIntGraphQLStringGraphQLID,即使它是自定义类型MyFirstGroupQuery

GraphQLSchema 构造函数中,您提供 RootQueryQueryType,这是一个 GraphQLSchema 它只接受 rootQueryGraphQLObjectType 其字段必须定义 type

GraphQL 是严格基于类型的,您声明的每个字段都必须type定义



const {
} = require('graphql');

const AppType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'App',
    description: 'Generic App Details',

    fields: () => ({
        name: { type: GraphQLString },
        appId: { type: GraphQLInt },

// const MyFirstQuery = {
//     type: new GraphQLList(AppType),
//     args: {
//         appId: { type: GraphQLInt },
//     },
//     resolve: (root, args) => fetchApp(args.appId),
// };

const myFirstQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'First',
    fields: () => ({
        app: {
            type: new GraphQLList(AppType),
            args: {
                appId: { type: GraphQLInt },
            resolve: (root, args) => fetchApp(args.appId),

/* snip MySecondQuery, MyThirdQuery, MyFourthQuery */

const MyFirstGroupQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'myFirstGroup',
    description: 'the first group of queries',
    fields: () => ({
        myFirstQuery: {
            type: myFirstQuery,
            resolve: () => [], // promise
        // mySecondQuery: {
        //     type: MySecondQuery,
        //     resolve: () => //data
        // }
        // myThirdQuery: {
        //     type: MyThirdQuery,
        //     resolve: () => // data
        // }
        // myFourthQuery: {
        //     type: MyFourthQuery,
        //     resolve: () => //data
        // }

/* snip MySecondGroupQuery, MyThirdGroupQuery and their types */

const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'query',
    description: 'read-only query',

    fields: () => ({
        myFirstGroup: {
            type: MyFirstGroupQuery,
            resolve: () => MyFirstGroupQuery,
        // mySecondGroup: {
        //     type: MySecondGroupQuery,
        //     resolve: MySecondGroupQuery
        // }
        // myThirdGroup: {
        //     type: MyThirdGroupQuery,
        //     resolve: MyThirdGroupQuery
        // }

const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
    query: QueryType,

module.exports = Schema;
