
Resizing circular array, in deque implementation

我正在尝试使用循环数组实现双端队列,这里是我的代码(对不起 post 整个 class)

public class Deque<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {

    private int frontIndex;
    private int backIndex;
    private static final int defaulSize = 8;
    private int size;
    private Item holder[];

    private int capacity;

    public Deque() {
        holder = (Item[]) new Object[defaulSize];
        this.size = 0;
        this.frontIndex = 0;
        this.backIndex = 0;
        this.capacity = defaulSize;

    public boolean isEmpty() {

        return this.size == 0;


    public int size() {
        return this.size;

    public void addFirst(Item item) throws Exception {

        if (item == null) {

            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        if (size == capacity) {

        holder[this.frontIndex] = item;
        this.frontIndex = Math.floorMod((this.frontIndex + 1), capacity);


    public void addLast(Item item) throws Exception {

        if (item == null) {

            throw new NoSuchElementException();

        if (size == capacity) {

        holder[this.backIndex] = item;
        this.backIndex = Math.floorMod((this.backIndex - 1), capacity);


    public Item removeFirst() throws Exception {

        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("Deque is empty.");

        this.frontIndex = Math.floorMod((this.frontIndex - 1), capacity);
        Item e = holder[this.frontIndex];
        holder[this.frontIndex] = null;
        return e;

    public Item removeLast() throws Exception {

        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("Deque is empty.");
        this.backIndex = Math.floorMod((this.backIndex + 1), capacity);

        Item e = holder[this.backIndex];
        holder[this.backIndex] = null;
        return e;

    private void doubleCapacity() {

        int p = this.backIndex;
        int n = holder.length;
        int r = n - p; // number of elements to the right of p
        capacity = (n) * 2;
        Object[] a = new Object[capacity];
        System.arraycopy(holder, p, a, 0, r);
        System.arraycopy(holder, 0, a, r, p);
        holder = (Item[]) a;
        this.backIndex = n;
        this.frontIndex = 0;


    private class DequeIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {

        private int pos = 0;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return holder.length > pos;

        public E next() {

            return (E) holder[pos++];

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove an element of an array.");

    public Iterator<Item> iterator() {
        return this.new DequeIterator<Item>();


当我尝试使用 deque 调整循环数组大小时出现问题,似乎所有索引都被弄乱了

我使用了类似于 java 实现中的方法来进行实验

private void doubleCapacity() {

    int p = this.backIndex;
    int n = holder.length;
    int r = n - p; // number of elements to the right of p
    capacity = (n) * 2;
    Object[] a = new Object[capacity];
    System.arraycopy(holder, p, a, 0, r);
    System.arraycopy(holder, 0, a, r, p);
    holder = (Item[]) a;
    this.backIndex = n;
    this.frontIndex = 0;





1- 向双端队列添加项目时没有正确更新 frontIndex 和 backIndex

2- 将容量加倍时没有使用正确的索引。

问题 1

当 frontIndex 和 backIndex 相等并且您要在双端队列的任何入口点添加元素时,您需要同时更新它们,否则您将失去对双端队列的控制。示例:开始时 frontIndex 和 backIndex 都是 ==0。如果你添加一个项目让我们说在前面,之后你将有 frontIndex=1 (正确)和 backIndex=0 (不正确,因为位置 0 被新项目占据)。这有很多副作用


  public void addFirst(Item item) throws Exception {

      ... unchanged handling of capacity...

        holder[this.frontIndex] = item;
            this.backIndex= floorMod((this.backIndex - 1), capacity);
        this.frontIndex = floorMod((this.frontIndex + 1), capacity);

     public void addLast(Item item) throws Exception {

      ... unchanged handling of capacity...

        holder[this.backIndex] = item;
            this.frontIndex= floorMod((this.frontIndex + 1), capacity);
        this.backIndex = floorMod((this.backIndex - 1), capacity);



您总是使用 backIndex(概念上没问题)来处理新数组中项目的副本,但理想情况下 backIndex 指向 Deque 中第一个元素之前的位置因此使用该值会使 Deque 本身更加混乱。 此外,您将完全错误的索引分配给 new backIndex(它应该等于新创建数组的最后一个元素的索引,而不是 n,它指的是 old数组)和frontIndex(应该等于位置n,即最后一个填充项之后的一个元素)。

2 的解决方案

private void doubleCapacity() {

    int p = floorMod((this.backIndex+1 ), capacity);
    int n = holder.length;
    int r = n - p; // number of elements to the right of p
    capacity = (n) * 2;
    Object[] a = new Object[capacity];
    System.arraycopy(holder, p, a, 0, r);
    System.arraycopy(holder, 0, a, r, p);
    holder = (Item[]) a;
    //backIndex should be the last element of the whole array
    this.backIndex = capacity-1;
    //frontIndex must be 1 after the last element of the portio of array populated by items  
    this.frontIndex = n;

作为设计,我会将 frontIndex 和 backIndex 处理为双端队列中第一个和最后一个元素的(循环)索引,而不是它们之前和之后的索引。但这只是我的方式。