geom_line 的 ggplot 上 y 轴的比例被聚成一团

scale of the y axis on ggplot for geom_line is bunched up

我正在使用对冲基金数据制作一个 R markdown 文件,用于金融计量经济学的作业 class。我的作业在星期二到期,但我在 pdf_document 中如何渲染我的图形时遇到了一些问题。

```{r Q4}
hedgefunds.long <- hedgefunds.long %>% group_by(Strategy) %>% mutate(RET = (log(NAV)- lag(log(NAV))) * 100)

ggplot(hedgefunds.long) + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = RET)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(n=6)) + facet_wrap(~ Strategy, ncol = 2)

我遇到的另一个问题是编织 pdf 文档时位被切断。我想知道是否有办法确保下图中的图例不会在顶部和底部被切断。

watch the labels on the axes


corrplot(hedgefundcormatrix, method = "color",addgrid.col = "gray50", tl.cex = 0.8,tl.offset = 0.5, tl.col = "black")


    > head(hedgefunds, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 15
         date `Hedge Fund Index` `Convertible Arbitrage` `Dedicated Short Bias`
       <date>              <dbl>                   <dbl>                  <dbl>
1  1993-12-31             100.00                  100.00                 100.00
2  1994-01-31             101.14                  100.36                  98.40
3  1994-02-28              97.00                  100.51                 100.37
4  1994-03-31              93.54                   99.54                 107.59
5  1994-04-30              91.91                   97.03                 108.97
6  1994-05-31              93.96                   96.04                 111.42
7  1994-06-30              93.20                   96.24                 118.49
8  1994-07-31              93.53                   96.37                 117.09
9  1994-08-31              96.12                   96.33                 110.46
10 1994-09-30              96.76                   95.18                 112.20
# ... with 11 more variables: `Emerging Markets` <dbl>, `Equity Market
#   Neutral` <dbl>, `Event Driven` <dbl>, `Event Driven Distressed` <dbl>, `Event
#   Driven Multi-Strategy` <dbl>, `Event Driven Risk Arbitrage` <dbl>, `Fixed
#   Income Arbitrage` <dbl>, `Global Macro` <dbl>, `Long/Short Equity` <dbl>,
#   `Managed Futures` <dbl>, `Multi-Strategy` <dbl>

 head(hedgefunds.long, 10)
Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
Groups: Strategy [1]

         date         Strategy    NAV        RET
       <date>            <chr>  <dbl>      <dbl>
1  1993-12-31 Hedge Fund Index 100.00         NA
2  1994-01-31 Hedge Fund Index 101.14  1.1335510
3  1994-02-28 Hedge Fund Index  97.00 -4.1794717
4  1994-03-31 Hedge Fund Index  93.54 -3.6321826
5  1994-04-30 Hedge Fund Index  91.91 -1.7579315
6  1994-05-31 Hedge Fund Index  93.96  2.2059322
7  1994-06-30 Hedge Fund Index  93.20 -0.8121438
8  1994-07-31 Hedge Fund Index  93.53  0.3534519
9  1994-08-31 Hedge Fund Index  96.12  2.7315170
10 1994-09-30 Hedge Fund Index  96.76  0.6636275

hedgefunds.long <- tidyr::gather(hedgefunds, Strategy, NAV, -date)

将尝试此操作,看看是否有效...如果有效,将编辑 post。 R - change size of axis labels for corrplot


玩转你身材window的尺寸,具体Q4的身高,还要考虑ncol > 2facet_wrap(~ Strategy, ncol = 2);以及 Q8 的宽度和高度。

fig.width和fig.height可以加```{r fig.width=x, fig.height=y}

{r Q4, fig.width=7, fig.height=10} # plot()


# ggplot margins 
gg + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(t,r,b,l), "cm")) # replace t,r,b,l with appropriate values
# plot margins
par(mar=c(b,l,t,r)) # replace b,l,t,r with appropriate values