水位指示器 - Raspberry Pi

Water Level Indicator - Rasp Pi

我正在创建一个项目,它是带有 raspberry pi 的水位指示器。所以当我把电线放入水中时,led会自动亮起。

我的问题是我想在第二根电线接触到水时关闭第一个 LED。


Click here for the image


 while True:
   GPIO.output(led8output, 0)
   GPIO.output(led10output, 0)

   if GPIO.input(led8input) == 1:
     GPIO.output(led8output, 1)

   if GPIO.input(led10input) == 1:
     GPIO.output(led10output, 1)
     GPIO.output(led8output, 0)   #this code wont make the first led turn off.

我什至试过 elif 和 if(GPIO.input(led10input) == 1 和 GPIO.input(led8input) ==1) 都不起作用。请帮忙。谢谢


GPIO.output(led8output, 0)
GPIO.output(led10output, 0)

 while True:
   if GPIO.input(led8input) == 1 and GPIO.input(led10input) == 0:
     print "1st led has been turned on"
     GPIO.output(led8output, 1)

   if GPIO.input(led10input) == 1 and GPIO.input(led8input) == 1:
     print "Both leds have been turned on therefore turning 1st led off"
     GPIO.output(led10output, 1)
     GPIO.output(led8output, 0)