部署 MoonMail 时的 DynamoDB 限制

DynamoDB limitations when deploying MoonMail

我正在尝试在 AWS 上部署 MoonMail。但是,我从 CloudFormation 收到此异常:

Subscriber limit exceeded: Only 10 tables can be created, updated, or deleted simultaneously


这是 AWS 对 API 的限制:(link)

API-Specific Limits


In general, you can have up to 10 CreateTable, UpdateTable, and DeleteTable requests running simultaneously (in any combination). In other words, the total number of tables in the CREATING, UPDATING or DELETING state cannot exceed 10.

The only exception is when you are creating a table with one or more secondary indexes. You can have up to 5 such requests running at a time; however, if the table or index specifications are complex, DynamoDB might temporarily reduce the number of concurrent requests below 5.

您可以尝试向 AWS 提出支持请求以提高您帐户的此限制,但我认为这没有必要。 that you could create the DynamoDB tables a priori, using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK, and use MoonMail with read-only access to those tables. Using the SDK (example),您可以按顺序创建这些表,而不会达到同时创建的限制。

另一种选择是 编辑 s-resources-cf.json 文件以仅包含 10 个表并进行部署。之后,添加缺少的表并再次部署。

无论您采用何种解决方案,请考虑在 MoonMail 的 repo 中创建一个问题单,因为就目前而言,它在第一次尝试时不起作用(资源文件中有 12 个表)。