
Correcting out of order printing from stream redirection

我有一个 python 脚本,它使用 multiprocessing.pool.map 来完成一些工作。随着它的进行,它会将内容打印到 stdout,对于它打印到 stderr 的错误。我决定为每个流都有一个单独的日志文件会很好,经过一番思考我应该 运行 像这样:

time ./ecisSearch.py 58Ni.conf 4 1 > >(tee stdout.log) 2> >(tee stderr.log >&2)

这给了我日志文件并保留了适当流上的输出。然而问题来了。如果我 运行 它没有重定向我得到这个:

$ time ./ecisSearch.py 58Ni.conf 4 1

2015-01-09 14:42:37.524333: This job will perform 4 fit(s)   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:42:37.524433: Threaded mapping of the fit function onto the starting point input set is commencing   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:42:37.526641: Starting run #: 0   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:42:37.527018: Starting run #: 1   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:42:37.529124: Starting run #: 2   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:42:37.529831: Starting run #: 3   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:42:54.052522: Test of std err writing in run 0 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:42:54.502284: Test of std err writing in run 1 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:42:59.952433: Test of std err writing in run 3 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:43:03.259783: Test of std err writing in run 2 is finished   //this is stderr

2015-01-09 14:43:03.260360: Finished fits in job #: 1 preparing to output data to file   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:43:03.275472: Job finished   //this is stdout

real    0m26.001s
user    0m44.145s
sys 0m32.626s


$ time ./ecisSearch.py 58Ni.conf 4 1 > >(tee stdout.log) 2> >(tee stderr.log >&2)
2015-01-09 14:55:13.188230: Test of std err writing in run 0 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:55:13.855079: Test of std err writing in run 1 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:55:19.526580: Test of std err writing in run 3 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:55:23.628807: Test of std err writing in run 2 is finished   //this is stderr
2015-01-09 14:54:56.534790: Starting run #: 0   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:54:56.535162: Starting run #: 1   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:54:56.538952: Starting run #: 3   //this is stdout
2015-01-09 14:54:56.563677: Starting run #: 2   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:54:56.531837: This job will perform 4 fit(s)   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:54:56.531912: Threaded mapping of the fit function onto the starting point input set is commencing   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:55:23.629427: Finished fits in job #: 1 preparing to output data to file   //this is stdout

2015-01-09 14:55:23.629742: Job finished   //this is stdout

real    0m27.376s
user    0m44.661s
sys 0m33.295s

只要查看时间戳,我们就会发现这里发生了一些奇怪的事情。 stderrstdout 流不仅没有像它们应该的那样相互穿插,而且 stdout 组件似乎首先有来自子流程的东西,然后是来自 'master' 进程,不管它出现的顺序如何。我知道 stderr 是无缓冲的,而 stdout 是缓冲的,但这并不能解释为什么 stdout信息在它自己的流中是乱序的。 另外,从我的帖子中看不出,所有 stdout 等到执行结束才出现在屏幕上的事实。

我的问题如下:为什么会这样? 更重要的是 有没有办法解决它?

stdout 的输出是缓冲的:也就是说,print 语句实际上写入一个缓冲区,这个缓冲区只是偶尔刷新到终端。每个进程都有一个单独的缓冲区,这就是为什么来自不同进程的写入会出现乱序的原因(这是一个常见问题,如 Why subprocess stdout to a file is written out of order?

在这种情况下,输出是有序的,但在重定向时出现乱序。为什么? This article 说明:

  • stdin is always buffered
  • stderr is always unbuffered
  • if stdout is a terminal then buffering is automatically set to line buffered, else it is set to buffered

因此,当输出到终端时,它会刷新每一行,并且恰好按顺序出现。重定向时,使用长缓冲区(通常为 4096 字节)。因为你打印的少于那个,所以先完成的子进程先被刷新。

解决方案是使用 flush(),或者完全禁用进程缓冲(参见 Disable output buffering