Spotfire IronPython 脚本:获取 Cross Table 数据

Spotfire IronPython script: get Cross Table data


crossTable = markMe.As[CrossTablePlot]()
print crossTable.Data


Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.VisualizationData object at 0x000000000000002C [Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.VisualizationData]


for text in crossTable.Data:
    print text


Microsoft.Scripting.ArgumentTypeException: iteration over non-sequence of type


您的问题是您正在从可视化中获取数据 table 本身,这不是记录的集合,而是包含行值集合的列的集合。

下面应该可以帮助您。我使用了一个数据集,其中列 "test1" 包含 6 行,值从 1 到 6(含)。


  1. 从 Visual
  2. 获取数据 Table
  3. 设置变量
  4. 遍历感兴趣的列以获得行值
  5. 使用一些比较来确定该项目是否应该被标记。
  6. 标记所有通过我们测试的项目。


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import CrossTablePlot
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import IndexSet
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import RowSelection
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataValueCursor
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataSelection

##Get our Data Table from our graph. Data Tables hold marking relations. 
##Visuals just point to a marking set you specify 
##and interact with it in the UI based on their DataTable.
crossTable = markMe.As[CrossTablePlot]()
crossSource = crossTable.Data.DataTableReference

##Get a Row Count
rowCount = crossSource.RowCount

##Index Set of all our rows
allRows = IndexSet(rowCount,True)

##Empty Index Set to fill with our desired markings
rowsToMark = IndexSet(rowCount,False)

##Pick the column we're interested in examining for values.
##You can create multiple cursors to look at multiple columns.
##Specify the name of your column. Mine is called test1.
colCurs = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(crossSource.Columns["test1"])

##Optional: Loop through to determine average value
colTotal = 0
for row in crossSource.GetRows(allRows, colCurs):
    colTotal += int(colCurs.CurrentValue)
colAvg = colTotal/rowCount

##loop through our rows and add what we want to our index.
for row in crossSource.GetRows(allRows, colCurs):
    ##Get the index of our current row in the loop
    rowIndex = row.Index

    ##Compare values and if TRUE then we add this row to our index
    ##Instead of hard coding you can refer to a document property
    ##or any other source of data like the average of your column.
    ##Optional: Print our current value to debug
    #if int(colCurs.CurrentValue) > (2.5):
    if int(colCurs.CurrentValue) > colAvg:
        print colCurs.CurrentValue + " was added to the index! =]"
        print colCurs.CurrentValue + " was not added to the index... =["

##Set our marking equal to our rowsToMark index


我自己的 Spotfire 客户端和 API 知识

bearonspotfire 也是一个不错的脚本资源。我借鉴了他所做的,并为您的申请做了一些改动。他使用下拉菜单来标记项目。

编辑 diablo8226 的问题:

flux (OP) 和我 运行 都基于同样的假设,即 markMe 被包含为相关可视化的输入参数。您也可以通过单击脚本输入 window 下方的 "Add..." 按钮来包含它。您可以使用 markMe 或任何名称。只需确保您 select 可视化作为类型并且 select 您的可视化。

或者,您可以输入数据 table 本身并跳过我获取数据 table 源的代码,或者在如下代码中显式调用 table:

coll = Application.GetService[DataManager]().Tables   
crossSource = coll.Item["TABLE_NAME"]