如何验证 Vimeo 视频 ID?

How to validate Vimeo video id?

我需要创建一个正则表达式来验证有效的 Vimeo 视频。

根据 Vimeo API 他们只使用数字作为视频 ID,但没有指定长度。

到目前为止我的正则表达式var regEx= /^[0-9]+$/;

我想知道: - vimeo 视频 ID 支持的允许长度是多少? - 如何修改我的正则表达式?

我找到的唯一文章: https://vimeo.com/forums/topic:267078

与其尝试发明 Vimeo 视频 ID 验证器,不如使用 Vimeo developper API 来检查 Vimeo ID 是否有效?

GET https://api.vimeo.com/videos/{video_id}

| Http Status Code | Explanation                                      |
| 200 Ok           |                                                  |
| 403              | if the video does exist, but the view or the app |
|                  | requesting the video resource does not have      |
|                  | permission to access that video.                 |
| 404 not found    | If the video cannot be found.                    |

检查您 (1) 或用户 (2) 是否拥有视频:

(1) GET https://api.vimeo.com/me/videos/{video_id}
(2) GET https://api.vimeo.com/users/{user_id}/videos/{video_id}

| Http Status Code | Explanation                                          |
| 200 Ok           |                                                      |
| 404 not found    | If the video is not owned by the authenticated user. |