一段时间后 Hivemq 关闭

Hivemq closes after some time

我在我的 Ubuntu 16.04 服务器上安装了 HiveMQ(将 zip 文件放到我的服务器中并解压缩)然后我通过终端(使用 SSH 连接)启动它并且我连接了一个客户端,一切都很好。 然后我关了终端看能不能连上,我能的,2小时后我也能连上,但是突然连不上了。



查看 HiveMQ 用户指南中的 this list。从第 10 点开始描述如何从 运行 脚本 运行 HiveMQ。

Install the init script (optional)

For Debian-based linux like Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian using init.d scripts

cp /opt/hivemq/bin/init-script/hivemq-debian /etc/init.d/hivemq
chmod +x /etc/init.d/hivemq

For Debian-based linux like Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian using systemd

cp /opt/hivemq/bin/init-script/hivemq.service /etc/systemd/system/hivemq.service

Modify /etc/init.d/hivemq (optional)

Set the HIVEMQ_HOME and the HIVEMQ_USER variable to the correct values for your system.

By default this would be:



If you installed HiveMQ to a different directory than /opt/hivemq please point the HIVEMQ_HOME in your init script to the correct directory. Otherwise the daemon will not start correctly.

Start HiveMQ on boot (optional)

For Debian-based linux like Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian

update-rc.d hivemq defaults

For Debian-based linux like Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian using systemd

systemctl enable hivemq