为什么 'if let' 似乎不像 Swift 3 in Xcode 8.3 beta 中那样拆箱值?

Why 'if let' does not seem to unbox a value as before in Swift 3 in Xcode 8.3 beta?

与以前不同,我惊讶地发现 'title' 现在是一个可选值(编译器现在生成减弱:字符串插值生成可选值的调试描述;您是要明确说明吗? ).

为什么 'if let title =' 表达式不再拆箱了? 我应该怎么做才能在 if 中取消装箱?

// Go thru all publication where the tag has been found
for item in items {
  if let item = item as? [String: String?], let title = item["label"] {
    i += 1
    if let rawSummary = item["libSousTheme"] {
      print("\(i)) Tag [\(foundTag)] z[\(foundZTag)] in « \(title) »")
    else {
      print("\(i)) Tag [\(foundTag)] z[\(foundZTag)] in « \(title) » (no summary!)")


如果让 item = item 作为? [String: String?], let title = item["label"] ??零 { /* ... */ }