NuSMV 通过了错误的规范

NuSMV passes wrong specification

我是 NuSMV 和 CTL 的新手,正在尝试简单的示例。我有 3 个状态 A、B 和 C,并且有一个从 A-> B


我在 NuSMV 中对其建模,并想检查是否存在从 B 到 A 的任何执行路径。尽管我尚未定义此类转换,但规范给出了反例。

Module main
SPEC !EF(state=a -> state=c)
SPEC !EF(state=b -> state=a)


我如何为 "is A reachable from B?" 编写规范 - 这应该 return false 因为没有定义转换


MODULE main ()
  state : {a,b,c};


对您的方法发表评论。 属性 SPEC !EF(state=a -> state=c) 可以读作:

it is not true that there exists a path starting from the initial state such that sooner or later the logic condition state=a -> state=c is true.

条件 state = a -> state = c 对于所有状态 true 只有 state != a,因为不存在条件 state = astate = c可以同时持有


NuSMV > reset; read_model -i test.smv; go; check_property
-- specification !(EF (state = a -> state = c))  is false
-- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
Trace Description: CTL Counterexample 
Trace Type: Counterexample 
-> State: 1.1 <-
  state = a
-> State: 1.2 <-
  state = b

在状态 1.2 中,变量 state 等于 b,因此 state = a -> state = ctrue 并且违反了 !EF(state = a -> state = c)

对于 属性 SPEC !EF(state=b -> state=a).


一步可达性。 如果你想检查不存在 one-step transitionstate = a 保持到 state = c 成立,那么你可以使用下面的 属性:

SPEC AG (state = a -> AX state != c)


for all states, that can be reached following all execution paths starting from all initial states, the CTL property state = a -> AX state != c is always verified. Such property says that, if in the current state state = a, then it is necessarily the case that in all possible immediate next states the value of state is different from c.


NuSMV > reset; read_model -i test.smv; go; check_property
-- specification AG (state = a -> AX state != c)  is true

类似的示例适用于您要编码的另一个 属性。

路径可达性。如果你想检查不存在路径,由任意 变量 数量的 中间转换 ,达到 state = c 成立的状态,从 state = c 的状态开始=28=]成立,那么编码略有不同:

SPEC AG (state = a -> AX AG state != c)


for all states, that can be reached following all executions paths starting from all initial states, the CTL property state = a -> AX AG state != c is always verified. Such property is true for all states s' s.t.

  • state != a in s'


  • state = a in s', and state != c for all reachable states s'' on all the outgoing paths that start at s'


NuSMV > reset; read_model -i test.smv; go; check_property
-- specification AG (state = a -> AX (AG state != c))  is true

为了更好地概述两种编码之间的差异,我将在此处放置一个模型示例第一个 属性false 但第二个是 true:

MODULE main ()
  state : {a,b,c};

  next(state) := case
     state = a : b;
     state = b : c;
     TRUE : state;

SPEC AG (state = a -> AX state != c)
SPEC AG (state = a -> AX AG state != c)

如果你 运行 NuSMV 超过这个例子,输出如下:

NuSMV > reset; read_model -i test.smv; go; check_property
-- specification AG (state = a -> AX state != c)  is true
-- specification AG (state = a -> AX (AG state != c))  is false
-- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
Trace Description: CTL Counterexample 
Trace Type: Counterexample 
-> State: 1.1 <-
  state = a
-> State: 1.2 <-
  state = b
-> State: 1.3 <-
  state = c

显然,如果第一个属性被发现是false,那么第二个属性 也必须是 false

K 步可达性。 一步可达性编码可以推广到精确k步可达AX 公式中:

SPEC AG (state = a -> AX state != c)       -- state != c after 1 transition
SPEC AG (state = a -> AX AX state != c)    -- state != c after 2 transitions
SPEC AG (state = a -> AX AX AX state != c) -- state != c after 3 transitions
SPEC AG (state = a -> AX ... state != c)   -- state != c after 1 + |...| transitions



SPEC AG (state = a -> AX AG state != c)


SPEC AG (state = a -> AG state != c)


但是,我没有这样做是有原因的:两种编码之间存在微妙的语义差异,尽管后者可以用来验证reachability 属性 在某些情况下,前者 encoding more robust 因为它更紧密匹配 可达性 问题的实际语义 例如 模板 B_COND_1 -> AG B_COND_2 每当 B_COND_2 := !B_COND_1 时都会惨败,因为对于任何验证前提 B_COND_1 的状态 s' 结论 AG B_COND_2 -- 可以重写为 AG !B_COND_1-- 不可能成立;在结论前添加 AX 增加了一层间接性,它更正确,因为 结论 只需要从 下一个状态 在执行树中。



how do i write specification for "is A reachable from B?" - this should return false as there is no transition defined

A 属性 that returns false 当没有 pathstate = bstate = a,如下:

SPEC AG (state = b -> EF state = a)

如果您想验证 永远不会state = a可以从state = b到达, 那么这实际上是一个坏主意,原因有二:

  • 如果 属性 得到验证,您不会返回 witness counter-example 执行跟踪s.t。 state = a 可从 state = b 访问,因此您需要自行确定为什么您的模型会出现这种情况

  • 如果 属性 是 false,该工具将需要列出所有 (可能呈指数级增长) 路径开始来自 state = b 这样就无法到达 state = a

出于这些原因,我实际上以相反的方式对可达性问题进行了编码,当无法从 state = bfalse + [=143 访问 state = a 时返回 true =]单个反例 否则。