Windows 机器中的 Anaconda 内部 Tensorflow 安装失败

Tensorflow install failed inside Anaconda in Windows Machine

好吧,我已经厌倦了尝试在 Anaconda 中安装 Tensorflow,我已经成功安装了 anaconda,但是当我要从这个 link 安装时,Anaconda 安装在第 4 步,我看到一些异常。 我已经执行了这行命令

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade


后来我到处找了一些解决办法。我也找到了一些解决方案。在这个 is done for only MAC OX and Linux only, not for Windows. Later I found somewhere to use the python version 2.7 so I have downgraded the Python in lower version, however it was same. But this time I can able to to execute the MAC OX command successfully and in my prompt it shows that install successful. But when I had gone to import Tensorflow then again an error is threading, like this

我还找到了其他一些解决方案 link1 ,但是其中 none 是在我接近的过程中完成的。我很困惑这是什么类型的错误或异常?我该如何克服它?

更新: Tensorflow 已从此 , Now a different problem is being facing. When I am going to import tensorflow in my workspace it providing this error.


它似乎找不到所需的 CUDA 库。您是否安装了 CUDA 工具包 8.0 和 cuDNN 5.1?

您必须安装 CUDA Toolkit 8.0,例如从 here and the cuDNN package from e.g. here 然后将 cuDNN-installation-path/win10/bin 放在你的路径上(当然取决于你的 windows 版本)


  • On Windows, running "import tensorflow" generates No module named "_pywrap_tensorflow" error
  • TensorFlow on Windows: "Couldn't open CUDA library cudnn64_5.dll"