检查元组 Python 中元素之间的相似性

Check similarity between elements in tuple Python


list= [(12.947999999999979,5804),(100000.0,1516),(12.948000000000008,844),(12.948000000000036,172),(18.252000000000066,92)]


使用 Counter 元素和 round() 到您想要的小数位数。顺便说一句,不要使用保留字 list:

from collections import Counter

l= [(12.947999999999979,5804),(100000.0,1516),(12.948000000000008,844),(12.948000000000036,172),(18.252000000000066,92)]
precision = 3

c = Counter()

for value, times in l:
    c.update([round(value, precision)]*times)


from collections import Counter

# data = Counter()  # This is the counter where you have the data
precision = 3

joined = Counter()

for value, times in data.items():
    joined.update([round(value, precision)]*times)

data = joined