如何在一段时间后自动停止 Observable.Timer() 或 Observable.Interval()

How do I stop Observable.Timer() or Observable.Interval() automatically after certain period of time

public function(id: number) {
    this.periodicCheckTimer = Observable.timer(10000, 5000).subscribe(
        () => {
          let model = this.find(id);
          if (model['isActivated']) {

如果不满足条件 if(model['isActivated']),我想在 5 分钟后自动停止计时器。但是,如果条件满足,我可以手动停止它。不确定在这种情况下手动停止是否仍然正确。


我没有测试过,但这里有一个替代方案,可以在 5 分钟后停止:

function (id: number) {
  // emit a value after 5mn
  const stopTimer$ = Observable.timer(5 * 60 * 1000);

    // after 10s, tick every 5s
    .timer(10000, 5000)
    // stop this observable chain if stopTimer$ emits a value
    // select the model
    .map(_ => this.find(id))
    // do not go further unless the model has a property 'isActivated' truthy
    .filter(model => model['isActivated'])
    // only take one value so we don't need to manually unsubscribe