我可以确定哪个 AWS 服务触发了我的 Lambda 函数吗?

Can I determine which AWS service triggered my Lambda function?

我有一个 Python Lambda 函数,可以响应 IoT Button 和 Alexa 技能。

有没有办法读取传递给处理函数的 eventcontext 以确定哪个服务触发了该函数(Alexa 或 IoT)?

您可以像下面这样在 Cloudwatch 中阅读和记录事件

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
def my_logging_handler(event, context):
logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))

这将在云监视中记录您看到的事件数据,并确定哪个事件触发了 lambda


if 'distinctKey' in event.keys():
    # ...


  1. 检查每个可能的每个潜在服务生成的事件结构和
  2. 成功并自信地为每个感兴趣的服务识别一个密钥或一组密钥,这些密钥始终可靠地存在在服务的事件中并且唯一 给他们。

希望 AWS 现在已经对此进行了简化,但很遗憾,事实并非如此。没有任何一个参数可以让您通过检查来确定所有 AWS 服务中的事件类型。


function getLambdaEventSource(event) {
if (event.Records && event.Records[0].cf) return 'isCloudfront';

if (event.configRuleId && event.configRuleName && event.configRuleArn) return 'isAwsConfig';

if (event.Records && (event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:codecommit')) return 'isCodeCommit';

if (event.authorizationToken === "incoming-client-token") return 'isApiGatewayAuthorizer';

if (event.StackId && event.RequestType && event.ResourceType) return 'isCloudFormation';

if (event.Records && (event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:ses')) return 'isSes';

if (event.pathParameters && event.pathParameters.proxy) return 'isApiGatewayAwsProxy';

if (event.source === 'aws.events') return 'isScheduledEvent';

if (event.awslogs && event.awslogs.data) return 'isCloudWatchLogs';

if (event.Records && (event.Records[0].EventSource === 'aws:sns')) return 'isSns';

if (event.Records && (event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:dynamodb')) return 'isDynamoDb';

if (event.records && event.records[0].approximateArrivalTimestamp) return 'isKinesisFirehose';

if (event.records && event.deliveryStreamArn && event.deliveryStreamArn.startsWith('arn:aws:kinesis:')) return 'isKinesisFirehose';

if (event.eventType === 'SyncTrigger' && event.identityId && event.identityPoolId) return 'isCognitoSyncTrigger';

if (event.Records && event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:kinesis') return 'isKinesis';

if (event.Records && event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:s3') return 'isS3';

if (event.operation && event.message) return 'isMobileBackend';


对于 Python 开发人员:您可以检查一下 https://gist.github.com/Necromancerx/abed07138690d37d170a6cf15b40d749

def get_lambda_event_source(self, event: dict):
    if 'pathParameters' in event and 'proxy' in event['pathParameters']:
        return 'api_gateway_aws_proxy'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:s3':
        return 's3'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'EventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['EventSource'] == 'aws:sns':
        return 'sns'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:dynamodb':
        return 'dynamo_db'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'cf' in event['Records'][0]:
        return 'cloudfront'
    elif 'source' in event and event['source'] == 'aws.events':
        return 'scheduled_event'
    elif 'awslogs' in event and 'data' in event['awslogs']:
        return 'cloud_watch_logs'
    elif 'authorizationToken' in event and event['authorizationToken'] == "incoming-client-token":
        return 'api_gateway_authorizer'
    elif 'configRuleId' in event and 'configRuleName' in event and 'configRuleArn' in event:
        return 'aws_config'
    elif 'StackId' in event and 'RequestType' in event and 'ResourceType' in event:
        return 'cloud_formation'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:codecommit':
        return 'code_commit'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:ses':
        return 'ses'
    elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:kinesis':
        return 'kinesis'
    elif 'records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'approximateArrivalTimestamp' in event['records'][0]:
        return 'kinesis_firehose'
    elif 'records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'deliveryStreamArn' in event and event['deliveryStreamArn'] is str and event['deliveryStreamArn'].startswith('arn:aws:kinesis:'):
        return 'kinesis_firehose'
    elif 'eventType' in event and event['eventType'] == 'SyncTrigger' and 'identityId' in event and 'identityPoolId' in event:
        return 'cognito_sync_trigger'
    elif 'operation' in event and 'message' in event:
        return 'is_mobile_backend'

基于此 javascript 要点 https://gist.github.com/jeshan/52cb021fd20d871c56ad5ce6d2654d7b