Docker 中的 OS (Windows) 需要许可证吗

Do you need License for OS (Windows) inside Docker

我正在考虑为 Windows 上 运行 的应用程序创建一个 Docker(集)。所以,我需要 Docker 有 Windows OS。我需要什么许可证?或者,如果我在 Windows VM 上 运行 Docker,它是否使用来自主机的相同许可证?

容器映像将使用基础 OS 许可证。微软称之为 supplmental license.

You are licensed to use this Supplement in conjunction with the underlying host operating system software (“Host Software”) solely to assist running the containers feature in the Host Software. The Host Software license terms apply to your use of the Supplement. You may not use it if you do not have a license for the Host Software. You may use this Supplement with each validly licensed copy of the Host Software.