
Test Flight. Add internal testers

根据试飞视频教程,在我将内部测试员添加到我的构建后,状态应该是 "Invited",他应该会收到邀请测试的电子邮件。就我而言,我的状态为 "Added",但我没有收到来自 iTunes Connect 的任何电子邮件。我做错了什么?


You can see the status of each tester in the Internal Testers and External Testers panes. When testers are added as TestFlight beta testers, their status becomes Added. When invitations are sent to the testers, their status changes to Invited. As your testers accept their invitations, their status changes to Accepted. When they download the app, their status changes to Testing, and the Latest Build column shows the latest build they have installed.