如何将 3D TeeChart 中图例框的颜色设置为底层数据系列的颜色?

How to set the color of the legendbox in 3D TeeChart to that of the underlying data series?

我正在使用 Teechart 在 winforms 中创建 3D 图。当我将第一个表面添加到图表中时,图例框显示图例项(用于值),框内填充有颜色。但是,当我添加多个表面时,图例中的图例项框(代表表面)为白色。我希望它们充满 surface/series 颜色。





我附上了两种场景的屏幕截图 -

One surface。 Two surfaces



public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void DisplayChart()
            tChart1.Legend.FontSeriesColor = true;
            CreateSurface(new Plot3DSurface("X", "Y", "Z", new List<double> { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, new List<double> { 3, 4, 7 }, new List<double> { 3, 5, 7 }, GetPoints(3, 3), "First", Color.Blue));
            CreateSurface(new Plot3DSurface("X", "Y", "Z", new List<double> { 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 }, new List<double> { 3, 5, 8 }, new List<double> { 5, 8, 10.5 }, GetPoints(3, 3), "Second", Color.Green));


        private static List<Point> GetPoints(int x, int y)
            var points = new List<Point>();

            for (var p = 0; p < x; p++)
                for (var t = 0; t < y; t++)
                    points.Add(new Point(p, t));

            return points;

        private void CreateSurface(IPlot3DSurface surfaceInfo)
            Custom3D surface;

            var xCount = surfaceInfo.IndexesUsed.Select(index => index.X).Distinct().Count();
            var yCount = surfaceInfo.IndexesUsed.Select(index => index.Y).Distinct().Count();

            if (xCount < 2 || yCount < 2)
                surface = new Points3D(tChart1.Chart);
                surface = new Surface(tChart1.Chart)
                    Title = surfaceInfo.Title,
                    WireFrame = false,
                    DotFrame = false,
                    UseColorRange = true,
                    UsePalette = false,
                    ColorEach = false,
                    IrregularGrid = true,
                    PaletteStyle = PaletteStyles.Strong,
                    StartColor = surfaceInfo.Color,
                    Color = surfaceInfo.Color,


            DrawPoints(surfaceInfo, surface);


        private void DrawPoints(IPlot3DSurface surfaceInfo, Custom3D surface)
            foreach (var point in surfaceInfo.IndexesUsed)
                surface.Add(surfaceInfo.GetXValue(point.X), surfaceInfo.GetZValue(point.X), surfaceInfo.GetYValue(point.Y));


public class Plot3DSurface : IPlot3DSurface
        public Plot3DSurface(string xCoordinatePropertyName, string yCoordinatePropertyName, string zCoordinatePropertyName,
            List<double> dataSourceListXCoordinate, List<double> dataSourceListYCoordinate, List<double> dataSourceZCoordinate,
            List<Point> dataSourceIndexList, string title, Color color)
            DataSourceListXCoordinate = dataSourceListXCoordinate;
            DataSourceListYCoordinate = dataSourceListYCoordinate;

            DataSourceListZCoordinate = dataSourceZCoordinate;

            XCoordinatePropertyName = xCoordinatePropertyName;
            YCoordinatePropertyName = yCoordinatePropertyName;
            ZCoordinatePropertyName = zCoordinatePropertyName;

            Title = title;
            Color = color;

            IndexesUsed = dataSourceIndexList;

        private List<Point> _indexesUsed;

        public List<Point> IndexesUsed
                if (_indexesUsed != null) return _indexesUsed;

                var ind = new List<Point>();

                for (var i = 0; i < DataCountXCoordinate; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < DataCountYCoordinate; j++)
                        ind.Add(new Point(i, j));

                return ind;
            private set { _indexesUsed = value; }

        private IList<double> DataSourceListXCoordinate { get; set; }

        private IList<double> DataSourceListYCoordinate { get; set; }

        private IList<double> DataSourceListZCoordinate { get; set; }

        private int DataCountXCoordinate
            get { return DataSourceListXCoordinate.Count; }

        private int DataCountYCoordinate
            get { return DataSourceListYCoordinate.Count; }

        private string XCoordinatePropertyName { get; set; }

        private string YCoordinatePropertyName { get; set; }

        private string ZCoordinatePropertyName { get; set; }

        public string XCoordinatePropertyDisplayName
            get { return XCoordinatePropertyName + " (" + DataSourceListXCoordinate[0] + ")"; }

        public string YCoordinatePropertyDisplayName
            get { return YCoordinatePropertyName + " (" + DataSourceListYCoordinate[0] + ")"; }

        public string ZCoordinatePropertyDisplayName
            get { return ZCoordinatePropertyName + " (" + DataSourceListZCoordinate[0] + ")"; }

        public string Title { get; private set; }

        public Color Color { get; private set; }

        public double? GetXValue(int i)
            return DataSourceListXCoordinate[i];

        public double? GetYValue(int i)
            return DataSourceListYCoordinate[i];

        public double? GetZValue(int i)
            return DataSourceListZCoordinate[i];

        public double GetMinX
            get { return DataSourceListXCoordinate.Min(v => v); }

        public double GetMaxX
            get { return DataSourceListXCoordinate.Max(v => v); }

        public double GetMinY
            get { return DataSourceListYCoordinate.Min(v => v); }

        public double GetMaxY
            get { return DataSourceListYCoordinate.Max(v => v); }

        public double GetMinZ
            get { return DataSourceListZCoordinate.Min(v => v); }

        public double GetMaxZ
            get { return DataSourceListZCoordinate.Max(v => v); }


    public interface IPlot3DSurface
        List<Point> IndexesUsed { get; }

        string XCoordinatePropertyDisplayName { get; }

        string YCoordinatePropertyDisplayName { get; }

        string ZCoordinatePropertyDisplayName { get; }

        string Title { get; }

        double? GetXValue(int i);

        double? GetYValue(int i);

        double? GetZValue(int i);

        double GetMinX { get; }

        double GetMaxX { get; }

        double GetMinY { get; }

        double GetMaxY { get; }

        double GetMinZ { get; }

        double GetMaxZ { get; }

        Color Color { get; }

如果你想强制在图例符号处绘制系列颜色,你可以使用 OnSymbolDraw 事件:

tChart1.Legend.Symbol.OnSymbolDraw += Symbol_OnSymbolDraw;


private void Symbol_OnSymbolDraw(object sender, SymbolDrawEventArgs e)
  if (e.Series != null)
    tChart1.Graphics3D.Brush.Color = e.Series.Color;