
SSRS Subreport runs multiple times, I only want it running once

我有一个包含钻取子报表的报表,当它与与子报表无关的多对多项目有不止一种关系时,它 运行s 多次。


                         cat.CategoryName AS 'Category Name', sub.SubCategoryName AS 'SubCategory Name', cur.Status, cur.PastConsiderationFlag, cur.Model, cur.Version, cur.Vendor, cur.AvailableDate AS 'Available Date', cur.EndOfProduction AS 'End of Production', 
                         cur.EndOfSupport AS 'End of Support', dep.DepartmentName AS 'Department Name', emp.FirstName + ' ' + emp.LastName AS 'Tech Owner', emp2.FirstName + ' ' + emp2.LastName AS 'Tech Contact', 
                         cur.NumOfDevices AS '# of Devices', cur.UpgradeDuration AS 'Upgrade Duration', cur.FiscalConsideration AS 'Fiscal Consideration', cur.Description, cur.SupportingComments, cur.CurrencyId, STUFF
                             ((SELECT        ', ' + pl.PlatformName AS Expr1
                                 FROM            Platform AS pl LEFT OUTER JOIN
                                                          Currency_Platform AS cp ON cur.CurrencyId = cp.CurrencyId
                                 WHERE        (pl.PlatformId = cp.PlatformId) FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS 'Platforms', ISNULL(STUFF
                             ((SELECT        ', ' + cu2.Model AS Expr1
                                 FROM            Currency AS cu2 RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                                                          Currency_Dependency AS cd ON cur.CurrencyId = cd.CurrencyId
                                 WHERE        (cu2.CurrencyId = cd.DependencyId) FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''), 'N/A') AS 'Dependencies', ISNULL(STUFF
                             ((SELECT        ', ' + cu2.Model AS Expr1
                                 FROM            Currency AS cu2 RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                                                          Currency_Affected AS ca ON cur.CurrencyId = ca.CurrencyId
                                 WHERE        (cu2.CurrencyId = ca.AffectedId) FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''), 'N/A') AS 'Affected Apps', Currency_Platform.PlatformId
FROM            Currency AS cur INNER JOIN
                         SubCategory AS sub ON cur.SubCategoryId = sub.SubCategoryId INNER JOIN
                         Category AS cat ON sub.CategoryId = cat.CategoryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Employee AS emp ON cur.OwnerId = emp.EmployeeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Employee AS emp2 ON cur.ContactId = emp2.EmployeeId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Department AS dep ON cur.PortfolioOwnerId = dep.DepartmentId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Currency_Platform ON cur.CurrencyId = Currency_Platform.CurrencyId

即使它是一个不同的 select,子报表也将 运行 等于它所属的平台数量。我将在此处包含子报表的查询。

;with cte as (
-- anchor elements: where curr.Status = 1 and not a dependent
    , Model
    , Version
    , ParentId     = null
    , ParentModel  = convert(varchar(128),'')
    , Root         = curr.Model
    , [Level]      = convert(int,0)
    , [ParentPath] = convert(varchar(512),Model + Version)
  from dbo.Currency as curr  
  where curr.Status = 1
    /* anchor's do not depend on any other currency */
    and not exists (
      select 1 
      from dbo.Currency_Dependency i
      where curr.CurrencyId = i.DependencyId
  -- recursion begins here
  union all 
      CurrencyId   = c.CurrencyId
    , Model        = c.Model
    , Version      = c.Version
    , ParentId     = p.CurrencyId
    , ParentModel  = convert(varchar(128),p.Model + p.Version)
    , Root         = p.Root
    , [Level]      = p.[Level] + 1
    , [ParentPath] = convert(varchar(512),p.[ParentPath] + ' > ' + c.Model + ' ' + c.Version)
  from dbo.Currency as c
    inner join dbo.Currency_Dependency as dep
      on c.CurrencyId = dep.DependencyId
    inner join cte as p 
      on dep.CurrencyId = p.CurrencyId
select CurrencyId, ParentPath, Model + ' ' + Version AS 'Model' from cte
WHERE CurrencyId = @CurrencyId

当我单独运行子报表时,一切都很好。当我通过传递 CurrencyId 作为参数的主报表打开子报表时,它会执行与其所属平台数量一样多的次数。

有没有一种方法可以通过改进查询来更正此问题,或者如我所愿,无论如何强制子报表仅 运行 一次?


我不认为你的问题更多的是关于 SSRS 而不是关于你的 T-SQL 代码。我将猜测并说子报表对象位于报表的报表详细信息部分。这意味着子报表将为主查询数据集中的每一行呈现一次。我不知道您的容器报告实际是什么样子,但您可以选择将子报告包含在页眉或页脚部分,并使其 运行 脱离 MAX()、MIN()、您知道的值对于每一行都是相同的。

您可以使用 SQL Server Profiler 检查以下内容。

  1. 子报表查询的次数和参数是多少运行
  2. 您的第一个查询返回了多少个值