如何在 GMS 地图上绘制新标记(带有已绘制的标记)并选择设置?

How plot new marker (with already plotted markers) on GMS map and set selected?

我正在使用 Google Maps iOS SDK 并放置了多个带有标记信息的标记 window 单击标记时打开。现在我想添加尚未在地图上绘制的新标记。当用户点击他本地位置以外的任何地方时,我有不同地方的列表视图,他将跳转到所选位置。直到这一切正常,但地点标记未显示并显示错误消息:

Marker set as selectedMarker while not belonging to this map. Ignoring.

我正在重新绘制选定位置上的所有标记,但它对我不起作用。 有什么方法可以绘制单个或多个标记并设置所选标记的默认设置。

for (int i =0; i < [getdata count]; i++)
    LocationData *getlocation = [getdata objectAtIndex:i];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(getlocation.lat, getlocation.longt);
    GMSMarker *marker = [GMSMarker markerWithPosition:position];
    marker.map = _mapView;
    marker.title = getlocation.name;
    marker.snippet = getlocation.disciption;
    marker.flat = YES;
    marker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:img];


对于对象 c

GMSMarker *myMarkerAutomaticSnippet = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = <Your cordinates>;
marker.title = @“Title";
marker.snippet = @"Snippet";
marker.map = _mapView; 
[_mapView setSelectedMarker:marker];


let myMarker = GMSMarker()
myMarker.position = <Your cordinates>
myMarker.title = "title"
myMarker.snippet = "snippet"
myMarker.map = _mapView    
_mapView.customMapView.selectedMarker = myMarker