重建报告数据库 Sitecore 8

Rebuilding Reporting Database Sitecore 8

每当我尝试 运行 重建报告数据库时,我都会收到错误 "Exceeded the cut off date before clearing storage"。有没有人经历过或知道这意味着什么?

首先,要解决此问题,请确保附加一个干净的报告数据库。接下来,确保 SQL 用户帐户对两个报告数据库都具有 db_owner 角色。最后,虽然不一定需要,但我更喜欢从 sitecore_analytics_index 文件夹(在您的 data\indexes 文件夹中)清除所有内容。

另一种选择是根据这篇 Sitecore 文章更改 TimeToClearStorage 设置:https://doc.sitecore.net/sitecore_experience_platform/80/xdb_configuration/walkthrough_rebuilding_the_reporting_database


In the latest version of Sitecore xDB, the primary SQL Server reporting database contains some additional marketing definition tables that you need to copy to the secondary reporting database. When you run the rebuild reporting database page ensure that you allow more time for the clear storage process while these tables are being copied.

The default time to clear storage setting is 1 minute. Change this setting to a time interval appropriate for your Sitecore solution, for example, 10 minutes. To change the TimeToClearStorage setting:

  1. Open the Sitecore.Analytics.Processing.Aggregation.config file.
  2. Change the TimeToClearStorage setting to an appropriate time. For example 10 minutes.

我设置为 20 分钟。

1) 正如 Marco 所说,您可以更改 TimeToClearStorage 2)确保 db_owner 角色存在于辅助角色(主要通常有这个) 3)然后这将通过..但稍后如果它暂停 WaitReadyToReceiveData 那么你可能需要做一些手动更新 mentioned here 。 4) 一段时间后,您应该会在 'completed' 状态下看到它。