python 具有多个参数的 getattr()

python getattr() with multiple params

建筑getattr(obj, 'attr1.attr2', None)不工作。 替换此结构的最佳做法是什么? 将其分成两个 getattr 语句?

您可以使用 operator.attrgetter() 来一次获取多个属性:

from operator import attrgetter

my_attrs = attrgetter(attr1, attr2)(obj)

this answer, the most straightforward solution would be to use operator.attrgetter (more info in this python docs page)所述。


def multi_getattr(obj, attr, default = None):
Get a named attribute from an object; multi_getattr(x, 'a.b.c.d') is
equivalent to x.a.b.c.d. When a default argument is given, it is
returned when any attribute in the chain doesn't exist; without
it, an exception is raised when a missing attribute is encountered.

attributes = attr.split(".")
for i in attributes:
        obj = getattr(obj, i)
    except AttributeError:
        if default:
            return default
return obj

# Example usage
obj  = [1,2,3]
attr = "append.__doc__.capitalize.__doc__"

multi_getattr(obj, attr) #Will return the docstring for the
                         #capitalize method of the builtin string

来自 this page,这确实有效。我测试并使用它。


my_attrs = [getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attr_list]

一种简单但不是很 eloquent 的方式来获得多个 attr 是使用带或不带括号的元组,例如

aval, bval =  getattr(myObj,"a"), getattr(myObj,"b")


getattr(myObj.contained, "c")

其中 contained 是包含在 myObj 对象中的对象,c 是 contained 的属性。如果这不是您想要的,请告诉我。