pandas 之前日期的近期加权移动平均值

Recency weighted moving average on previous dates in pandas

我有以下 df:

index = pd.to_datetime(['2017-03-01', '2017-03-01', '2017-02-15', '2017-02-01',
        '2017-01-20', '2017-01-20', '2017-01-20', '2017-01-02', 
        '2016-12-04', '2016-12-04', '2016-12-04', '2016-11-16'])

df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'val': [8, 1, 5, 2, 3 , 5, 9, 14, 13, 2, 1, 12],
               'group': ['one', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'one', 'two', 
               'two', 'one', 'one', 'two']}, 

df = df.sort_index()

             group val
2016-11-16   two   12
2016-12-04   two   13
2016-12-04   one    2
2016-12-04   one    1
2017-01-02   two   14
2017-01-20   two    3
2017-01-20   two    5
2017-01-20   one    9
2017-02-01   one    2
2017-02-15   one    5
2017-03-01   one    8
2017-03-01   two    1

在每个组(一、二)中,我想要一个 前一个值的近因加权平均值。 例如看第一组:

           group  val
2016-12-04   one    2
2016-12-04   one    1
2017-01-20   one    9
2017-02-01   one    2
2017-02-15   one    5
2017-03-01   one    8

例如,对于日期 2017-02-15,我希望计算一个新列,该列具有作为该日期值的先前值的新近度加权版本(过去较近的日期具有更高的权重)是 [2,9,1,2]。请注意,一组中可能有多个日期,并且这些日期应该具有相同的权重。

我认为 pandas 指数加权函数对此有好处。我认为一组中的日期是相同的,我会首先取这些值的平均值,以便稍后可以应用一个简单的 shift() 。我尝试了以下方法:

df =  df.reset_index().set_index(['index', 'group']).groupby(


df = df.groupby('group')['val'].expanding().mean().groupby(level=0).shift()

然后与原来的日期和组合并。 但是当我尝试使用 pandas.ewma 时,我遗漏了类似的东西:



grouped = df.groupby('group')['val']
for key, group in grouped:
    print pd.ewma(group, span=27).shift()

2016-12-04         NaN
2017-01-20    1.500000
2017-02-01    5.388889
2017-02-15    4.174589
2017-03-01    4.404414
Name: val, dtype: float64
2016-11-16          NaN
2016-12-04    12.000000
2017-01-02    12.518519
2017-01-20    13.049360
2017-03-01    10.529680

然后以某种方式将组和日期与原始 df 合并,但这似乎过于复杂。有更好的方法吗?

要执行 新近加权移动平均值 而无需遍历组并重新合并,您可以使用 apply.

def rwma(group):
    # perform the ewma
    kwargs = dict(ignore_na=False, span=27, min_periods=0, adjust=True)
    result = group.ewm(**kwargs).mean().shift().reset_index()

    # rename the result column so that the merge goes smoothly
    result.rename(columns={result.columns[-1]: 'rwma'}, inplace=True)
    return result

recency = df.groupby('group')['val'].apply(rwma)


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'val': [8, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 13, 2, 1, 12],
    'group': ['one', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two',
              'one', 'two', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'two']},
        '2017-03-01', '2017-03-01', '2017-02-15', '2017-02-01',
        '2017-01-20', '2017-01-20', '2017-01-20', '2017-01-02',
        '2016-12-04', '2016-12-04', '2016-12-04', '2016-11-16'])

recency = df.groupby('group')['val'].apply(rwma)


             index       rwma
one   0 2016-12-04        NaN
      1 2016-12-04   2.000000
      2 2017-01-20   1.481481
      3 2017-02-01   4.175503
      4 2017-02-15   3.569762
      5 2017-03-01   3.899694
two   0 2016-11-16        NaN
      1 2016-12-04  12.000000
      2 2017-01-02  12.518519
      3 2017-01-20  13.049360
      4 2017-01-20  10.251243
      5 2017-03-01   9.039866

基于 Stephen 的回答,这里是一个工作版本:

def rwma(group):
    # perform the ewma
    kwargs = dict(ignore_na=False, span=27, min_periods=0, adjust=True)
    result = group.resample('1D').mean().ewm(**kwargs).mean().shift()
    result = result[group.index].reset_index()

    # rename the result column so that the merge goes smoothly
    result.rename(columns={result.columns[-1]: 'rwma'}, inplace=True)
    return result

recency = df.groupby('group')['val'].apply(rwma)


                 index       rwma
one   0 2016-12-04        NaN
      1 2016-12-04        NaN
      2 2017-01-20   1.500000
      3 2017-02-01   8.776518
      4 2017-02-15   4.016278
      5 2017-03-01   4.670166
two   0 2016-11-16        NaN
      1 2016-12-04  12.000000
      2 2017-01-02  12.791492
      3 2017-01-20  13.844843
      4 2017-01-20  13.844843
      5 2017-03-01   6.284914