
Algorithm improvement for enumerating binary trees

目前我可以使用以下暴力 Prolog 代码枚举 rooted planar unlabeled 二叉树。

e --> u | b | t.
u --> ['[op(u),['], e, [']]'].
b --> ['[op(b),['], e, [','], e, [']]'].
t --> ['number(n)'].



es(S) :-
    length(Ls, _),
    phrase(e, Ls),     % or e(Ls,[]),



注意:树可以通过使用前两次迭代的树生成,想想斐波那契数,并添加一元 b运行ch 或二元 b运行ch,但是这会导致重复的树。我自己可以做那个版本,我正在寻找的是一种算法,它可以第一次以有效的方式生成树而不会重复。

注意:二叉树也称为 binary expression tree or a K-ary tree,其中 K <=2。



我的 M(15) 暴力破解版用了 1 小时 27 分钟, 而 M(15) 的高效版本花费了大约 2 秒。



对于有根平面未标记二叉树,具有 N 个节点的树数由 Motzkin 数给出。参见:OEIS A001006

Nodes  Trees
1      1
2      1
3      2
4      4
5      9

对于有根平面未标记二叉树,具有 N 个内部节点的树的数量由加泰罗尼亚数字给出。有一种更有效的算法可以使用 Catalan 数生成有根平面二叉树。



基于 Motzkin 数的树数 do 一元 b运行ches 和计数 all 个节点。

OEIS A000108
Catalan Numbers 汤姆·戴维斯

将 Prolog 列表元素与 Motzkin 数相关联

% M is Motzkin number, N is number of  list elements passed to atomic_list_concat
m_to_n(M,N) :-
    M > 2,
    N is (M*2)-1.

es_m(M,S) :-


es_c(M,Count) :-
    aggregate_all(count, es_m(M,_), Count).

?- time(es_c(1,Count)).
% 57 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 1.

?- time(es_c(2,Count)).
% 141 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 1.

?- time(es_c(3,Count)).
% 571 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 2.

?- time(es_c(4,Count)).
% 2,740 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 4.

?- time(es_c(5,Count)).
% 13,780 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.001 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 9.

?- time(es_c(6,Count)).
% 70,072 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.002 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
Count = 21.

?- time(es_c(7,Count)).
% 357,358 inferences, 0.016 CPU in 0.012 seconds (136% CPU, 22870912 Lips)
Count = 51.

?- time(es_c(8,Count)).
% 1,824,082 inferences, 0.063 CPU in 0.056 seconds (111% CPU, 29185312 Lips)
Count = 127.

?- time(es_c(9,Count)).
% 9,313,720 inferences, 0.297 CPU in 0.290 seconds (102% CPU, 31372531 Lips)
Count = 323.

?- time(es_c(10,Count)).
% 47,561,878 inferences, 1.469 CPU in 1.467 seconds (100% CPU, 32382555 Lips)
Count = 835.

?- time(es_c(11,Count)).
% 242,896,160 inferences, 7.672 CPU in 7.665 seconds (100% CPU, 31660599 Lips)
Count = 2188.

?- time(es_c(12,Count)).
% 1,240,493,974 inferences, 38.797 CPU in 38.841 seconds (100% CPU, 31974069 Lips)
Count = 5798.

?- time(es_c(13,Count)).
% 6,335,410,822 inferences, 206.047 CPU in 213.116 seconds (97% CPU, 30747425 Lips)
Count = 15511.

?- time(es_c(14,Count)).
% 32,356,235,848 inferences, 1016.156 CPU in 1018.955 seconds (100% CPU, 31841792 Lips)
Count = 41835.

?- time(es_c(15,Count)).
% 165,250,501,417 inferences, 5231.766 CPU in 5268.363 seconds (99% CPU, 31585991 Lips)
Count = 113634.


Philippe Flajolet 和 Robert Sedgewick 合着的 "Analytic Combinatorics" 可能有帮助的免费 pdf 图书下载

另请参阅 Catalan 标记中的引用。

Motzkin numbers


<expression> ::= 
      <unary expression>
    | <binary expression>
    | <terminal>

<unary expression> ::= 
    "(u" <expression> ")"

<binary expression> ::= 
    "(b" <expression> " " <expression> ")"

<terminal> ::= 

使用 David Eisenstat 的


为了测试答案,我使用 WSL(Windows Linux 的子系统)安装了 Python 3

使用 Windows 10 我在目录

中创建了一个名为 motzkin.py 的文件

使用 Python 代码

def ubtrees(n):
    if n == 1:
        yield 't'
    elif n > 1:
        for t in ubtrees(n - 1):
            yield '(u {})'.format(t)
        for i in range(1, n - 1):
            for t1 in ubtrees(i):
                for t2 in ubtrees(n - 1 - i):
                    yield '(b {} {})'.format(t1, t2)

然后在 WSL 中我创建了一个符号 link 到 Windows Prolog 目录

$ ln -s "/mnt/c/Users/Eric/Documents/Prolog" /home/eric/Prolog

并更改为 WSL Prolog 目录

$ cd Prolog


~/Prolog$ python3

并导入 Python 代码

>>> import motzkin

和 运行 下面的子树的参数是 Motzkin 数

>>> for value in ubtrees(1):
...   print(value)

>>> for value in ubtrees(2):
...   print(value)
(u t)

>>> for value in ubtrees(3):
...   print(value)
(u (u t))
(b t t)

>>> for value in ubtrees(4):
...   print(value)
(u (u (u t)))
(u (b t t))
(b t (u t))
(b (u t) t)

>>> for value in ubtrees(5):
...   print(value)
(u (u (u (u t))))
(u (u (b t t)))
(u (b t (u t)))
(u (b (u t) t))
(b t (u (u t)))
(b t (b t t))
(b (u t) (u t))
(b (u (u t)) t)
(b (b t t) t)

并检查 Motzkin 号码

def m_count(m):
    count = sum(1 for x in ubtrees(m))
    print("Count: ", count)

>>> m_count(1)
Count:  1
>>> m_count(2)
Count:  1
>>> m_count(3)
Count:  2
>>> m_count(4)
Count:  4
>>> m_count(5)
Count:  9
>>> m_count(6)
Count:  21
>>> m_count(7)
Count:  51
>>> m_count(8)
Count:  127
>>> m_count(9)
Count:  323
>>> m_count(10)
Count:  835
>>> m_count(11)
Count:  2188
>>> m_count(12)
Count:  5798
>>> m_count(13)
Count:  15511
>>> m_count(14)
Count:  41835
>>> m_count(15)
Count:  113634

要退出交互 Python 使用



我学习Motzkin数的方法是用笔和纸手工枚举树,然后通过在前面的树中添加一元b运行ch的方法找到重复的树M(N-1 ) 和二进制 b运行ches 到前面的 M(N-2) 树。

这棵树从 M(4) 棵树中为 M(5) 生成了两次

(b (u t) (u t))


(b (u t) t)

其次,将一元 b运行ch 添加到

(b t (u t))

完成此操作后,我得到了数字序列 1、2、4、9、21,我将其与 OEIS 搜索 一起使用,最上面的结果是 A001006对于 Motzkin 数。一旦我有了更大的 Motzkin 数字列表,我就使用 Prolog 代码为更大的输入值生成计数,他们都同意了。现在您可以将 OEIS 添加到您的编程工具箱中,并提供一个有效的示例来向其他人演示。


如果你已经读到这里,那么你可能会发现这是一个更大问题的一部分,该问题首先在 Prolog 中构建一个系统,该系统可以使用术语重写来解决基本微积分的数学表达式,但更重要的是展示步骤采取。因此,这成为生成二进制表达式树以用作测试用例的一部分。下一步是能够单独设置一元和二元节点的数量,而不是让它们由 Motzkin 数固定。我只使用 Motzkin 数字来验证我是否正确生成了组合的子集。既然我有了它的模式,我就可以修改它以接受一个参数用于一元节点的数量,一个参数用于二进制节点。参见:



?- length(Ls, N), phrase(e, Ls).
Ls = ['number(0)'],
N = 1 ;
Ls = ['[op(u),[', 'number(0)', ']]'],
N = 3 ;
Ls = ['[op(u),[', '[op(u),[', 'number(0)', ']]', ']]'],
N = 5 ;
Ls = ['[op(b),[', 'number(0)', ',', 'number(0)', ']]'],
N = 5 ;
Ls = ['[op(u),[', '[op(u),[', '[op(u),[', 'number(0)', ']]', ']]', ']]'],
N = 7 ;
Ls = ['[op(u),[', '[op(b),[', 'number(0)', ',', 'number(0)', ']]', ']]'],
N = 7 ;
Ls = ['[op(b),[', '[op(u),[', 'number(0)', ']]', ',', 'number(0)', ']]'],
N = 7 ;
Ls = ['[op(b),[', 'number(0)', ',', '[op(u),[', 'number(0)', ']]', ']]'],
N = 7 ;

?- es(S).
S = 'number(0)' ;
S = '[op(u),[number(0)]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(u),[number(0)]]]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[number(0),number(0)]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(0)]]]]]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(b),[number(0),number(0)]]]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[[op(u),[number(0)]],number(0)]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[number(0),[op(u),[number(0)]]]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(0)]]]]]]]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(b),[number(0),number(0)]]]]]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(b),[[op(u),[number(0)]],number(0)]]]]' ;
S = '[op(u),[[op(b),[number(0),[op(u),[number(0)]]]]]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(0)]]]],number(0)]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[[op(u),[number(0)]],[op(u),[number(0)]]]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[[op(b),[number(0),number(0)]],number(0)]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[number(0),[op(u),[[op(u),[number(0)]]]]]]' ;
S = '[op(b),[number(0),[op(b),[number(0),number(0)]]]]' ;

?- es_m(1,E).
E = 'number(n)' ;

?- es_m(2,E).
E = '[op(u),[number(n)]]' ;

?- es_m(3,E).
E = '[op(u),[[op(u),[number(n)]]]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[number(n),number(n)]]' ;

?- es_m(4,E).
E = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(n)]]]]]]' ;
E = '[op(u),[[op(b),[number(n),number(n)]]]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[[op(u),[number(n)]],number(n)]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[number(n),[op(u),[number(n)]]]]' ;

?- es_m(5,E).
E = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(n)]]]]]]]]' ;
E = '[op(u),[[op(u),[[op(b),[number(n),number(n)]]]]]]' ;
E = '[op(u),[[op(b),[[op(u),[number(n)]],number(n)]]]]' ;
E = '[op(u),[[op(b),[number(n),[op(u),[number(n)]]]]]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[[op(u),[[op(u),[number(n)]]]],number(n)]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[[op(u),[number(n)]],[op(u),[number(n)]]]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[[op(b),[number(n),number(n)]],number(n)]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[number(n),[op(u),[[op(u),[number(n)]]]]]]' ;
E = '[op(b),[number(n),[op(b),[number(n),number(n)]]]]' ;

在Python 3:

def ubtrees(n):
    if n == 1:
        yield 't'
    elif n > 1:
        for t in ubtrees(n - 1):
            yield '(u {})'.format(t)
        for i in range(1, n - 1):
            for t1 in ubtrees(i):
                for t2 in ubtrees(n - 1 - i):
                    yield '(b {} {})'.format(t1, t2)


M_1 = 1
M_n = M_{n-1} + sum_{i=1}^{n-2} M_i M_{n-1-i},

Wikipedia 中给出的递归相差一个。

除了已经发布的解决方案之外,我还想为任务提供以下 Prolog 解决方案。


e(number)        --> [].
e(u(Arg))        --> [_], e(Arg).
e(b(Left,Right)) --> [_,_], e(Left), e(Right).

我也在用。但是,我将它用于与问题不同的目的:在我的例子中,我只描述了一个列表以限制解决方案的深度。将非终结符视为说明通过应用规则将 肯定 消耗多少 "tokens"。另请注意,我使用 复合词 来自然地描述此类树。


?- length(Ls, _), phrase(e(E), Ls).
Ls = [],
E = number ;
Ls = [_5710],
E = u(number) ;
Ls = [_5710, _5716],
E = u(u(number)) ;
Ls = [_5710, _5716],
E = b(number, number) ;
Ls = [_5710, _5716, _5722],
E = u(u(u(number))) .


es_count(M, Count) :-
        length([_|Ls], M),
        findall(., phrase(e(_), Ls), Sols),
        length(Sols, Count).


?- length(_, M),
   time(es_count(M, Count)),
% 7 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (64% CPU, 636364 Lips)
% 28 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (81% CPU, 1120000 Lips)
m_count(1, 1).
% 29 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (31% CPU, 1318182 Lips)
m_count(2, 1).
% 33 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (76% CPU, 1736842 Lips)
m_count(3, 2).
% 41 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (81% CPU, 1952381 Lips)
m_count(4, 4).
% 61 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (88% CPU, 2178571 Lips)
m_count(5, 9).
% 109 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (91% CPU, 2595238 Lips)
m_count(6, 21).
% 230 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (93% CPU, 2948718 Lips)
m_count(7, 51).
% 538 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (97% CPU, 3221557 Lips)
m_count(8, 127).
% 1,337 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (99% CPU, 3293103 Lips)
m_count(9, 323).
% 3,434 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (99% CPU, 3400000 Lips)
m_count(10, 835).
% 9,000 inferences, 0.003 CPU in 0.003 seconds (94% CPU, 3301541 Lips)
m_count(11, 2188).
% 23,908 inferences, 0.007 CPU in 0.024 seconds (31% CPU, 3300387 Lips)
m_count(12, 5798).
% 64,158 inferences, 0.019 CPU in 0.024 seconds (79% CPU, 3387792 Lips)
m_count(13, 15511).
% 173,579 inferences, 0.051 CPU in 0.062 seconds (83% CPU, 3397448 Lips)
m_count(14, 41835).
% 472,853 inferences, 0.139 CPU in 0.152 seconds (92% CPU, 3393690 Lips)
m_count(15, 113634).

Prolog 是一种很好的语言,可以根据声明性描述生成 详尽的解决方案!

按照@DavidEisenstat 的建议,在 Prolog recurrence relation 中编码:

motzkin_numbers(0, 1).
motzkin_numbers(1, 1).
motzkin_numbers(N, M) :-
    N1 is N-1,
    motzkin_numbers(N1, M1),
    N2 is N-2,
    aggregate_all(sum(MiP), (
              between(0, N2, I),
              motzkin_numbers(I, M_i),
              I_n1i is N-2-I,
              motzkin_numbers(I_n1i, M_n1i),
              MiP is M_i * M_n1i), Ms),
       M is M1 + Ms.


?- length(_,N), time(motzkin_numbers(N,M)).
N = 14,
M = 113634 ;
% 4 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (89% CPU, 115724 Lips)
% 1,863,722 inferences, 1.107 CPU in 1.107 seconds (100% CPU, 1683529 Lips)
N = 15,
M = 310572 ;
% 4 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (88% CPU, 129232 Lips)
% 4,499,430 inferences, 2.645 CPU in 2.646 seconds (100% CPU, 1700821 Lips)
N = 16,
M = 853467 

但 SWI-Prolog 最近添加了表格:只需添加此声明

:- table motzkin_numbers/2.


% 310 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (99% CPU, 591031 Lips)
N = 14,
M = 113634 ;
% 331 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 457731 Lips)
N = 15,
M = 310572 ;
% 352 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 310880 Lips)
N = 16,
M = 853467 ;
% 373 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 703349 Lips)
N = 17,
M = 2356779 ;