Why is my debug msg not being written into my page?
我有一些调试消息(通过 Response.Write() 编写),当我像这样(在 VB 代码中)执行 "View Source" 时可以看到它们:
currentYear = Year(Now)
SQLString = "Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsprojSales where CYear = " & currentYear & " and Unit = '" & Unit & "'"
adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
adoRS.Open(SQLString, adoCon)
IsNewBusiness = TRUE 'default (if record not found)
Category = "New Business"
If Not adoRS.EOF Then
IsNewBusiness = adoRS.Fields.Item(0).Value <> 0
if Not IsNewBusiness
Category = "Existing Business"
End If
Response.Write("<!-- IsNewBusiness after NOT EOF assignment = " & CStr(IsNewBusiness) & "-->")
End If
-和(在 hmtl 内):
<% Response.Write("<!-- Is New Biz = " & IsNewBusiness & "-->") %>
当我转到页面时我可以看到这些消息 "View Source"
If Request.Form.Item("Action") = "Save" Then
Response.Write("<!-- Made it into the Action =Save block -->")
. . .
为什么 Response.Write() 并不总是有效?
您的 HTML 评论行是否附加到回复中的其他文本?
如果是这样,它可能会在您的 "View Source" 显示器中呈现在最右边(看不见)。
尝试在文本前后插入回车符 return - 换行符。
Response.Write(vbCrLf + "<!-- Made it into the Action =Save block -->" + vbCrLf)
如果这是问题所在,在 "View Source" 显示中执行 Ctrl-F 查找可能会显示此注释行。
我有一些调试消息(通过 Response.Write() 编写),当我像这样(在 VB 代码中)执行 "View Source" 时可以看到它们:
currentYear = Year(Now)
SQLString = "Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsprojSales where CYear = " & currentYear & " and Unit = '" & Unit & "'"
adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
adoRS.Open(SQLString, adoCon)
IsNewBusiness = TRUE 'default (if record not found)
Category = "New Business"
If Not adoRS.EOF Then
IsNewBusiness = adoRS.Fields.Item(0).Value <> 0
if Not IsNewBusiness
Category = "Existing Business"
End If
Response.Write("<!-- IsNewBusiness after NOT EOF assignment = " & CStr(IsNewBusiness) & "-->")
End If
-和(在 hmtl 内):
<% Response.Write("<!-- Is New Biz = " & IsNewBusiness & "-->") %>
当我转到页面时我可以看到这些消息 "View Source"
If Request.Form.Item("Action") = "Save" Then
Response.Write("<!-- Made it into the Action =Save block -->")
. . .
为什么 Response.Write() 并不总是有效?
您的 HTML 评论行是否附加到回复中的其他文本?
如果是这样,它可能会在您的 "View Source" 显示器中呈现在最右边(看不见)。
尝试在文本前后插入回车符 return - 换行符。
Response.Write(vbCrLf + "<!-- Made it into the Action =Save block -->" + vbCrLf)
如果这是问题所在,在 "View Source" 显示中执行 Ctrl-F 查找可能会显示此注释行。