Bluegiga BLE112 数据从 Windows PC 传输到 ios 设备

Bluegiga BLE112 data transfer from Windows PC to ios devices

是否可以从 windows 电脑到 ios 设备进行数据传输(小于 1mb 的数据)?

我正在寻找通过蓝牙 LE 将数据从 windows 机器传输到 ios 设备的解决方案,发现 bluegiga BLE112 是一个不错的选择,但我不确定是否可以传输数据不是 GATT 配置文件可以从 .net 应用程序发送到 ios 应用程序。


有可能,但 BLE 协议不太适合通过蓝牙发送大量数据。如果您确实想这样做,Bluegiga 有 example project in their forum.


The Bluegiga SPP-over-BLE profile and projects are built to provide the simplest possible method to connect two of our modules together so that you can send arbitrary data back and forth, much like using SPP with a classic Bluetooth device. The BLE protocol is not built to allow this kind of data transfer in a very efficient way, due to the very small packet payload size (20 bytes max) and the relatively large delays required between packets (the BLE radio can only be on for less than 25% of the time even in the most aggressive transmit configuration). However, it is possible using normal Bluetooth Smart GATT operations to appear as though you have an open, transparent data pipe between each end of the connection.

此外,他们注意到最大吞吐量约为 1 Kbyte/sec。所以它可能不适合您要发送的尺寸。

在 Android、iOS 和 Windows 开发中完成了大量 BLE 工作后,我会说传输大量数据是一件痛苦的事情。

真正的限制实际上来自 iOS 方面,因为它们在内部限制了传输延迟(这已经从 iOS 6 改进到 iOS 7,我还没有在 iOS 8 上测试了吞吐量)。

Bluegiga 这里有一些旧的性能测试数据:

我的个人测试(BLE112 和 iOS 6 或 7)显示大约 1000 bytes/s 使用确认数据传输,4000 bytes/s 秒使用未确认数据传输。我不认为这是最佳测试条件,但它提供了一个很好的大概。

来自 Bluegiga(理想条件):

The best we have seen between two of our BLE modules is about 60Kbps (unacknowledged packets).

BLE 的未来看起来不错,因为 BT 4.2 正在推动吞吐量(通过增加数据包大小):

不幸的是,这种芯片可能要到今年晚些时候才能问世,谁知道 iOS(和 Android)何时会支持它。