使用 C++ 提取 .rar/.zip

Extracting .rar/.zip using c++

没有特别的原因,我目前正在开发一个使用 system().

提取 .zip/.rar 文件的程序

我目前安装了 WinRar,因为 winrar.exe 能够处理 .zip 和 .rar 文件。

int main()
    vector<wstring> files;

    if (ListFiles(L"folder", L"*", files))
        string program = "\"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\winrar.exe\"";
        string args = "x -y";
        string type = "*.*";

        TCHAR dir[MAX_PATH];
        GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, dir);
        wstring current_directory(wstring(L"\"") + dir + wstring(L"\"));

        for (const auto& f : files)
            if (wcscmp(PathFindExtension(f.c_str()), L".rar") == 0 ||
                wcscmp(PathFindExtension(f.c_str()), L".zip") == 0)
                string file = ws2s(f.c_str());
                string output = "\"c:\Users\my name\Desktop\output\"";

                string command = program + " " + args + " " + ws2s(current_directory) + file + "\"" + " " + type + " " + output;
                cout << command << endl;

                if (system(command.c_str()) != 0)
                    return GetLastError();

    return 0;

-- "C:/users/username/program files (x86)/" --
-- "folder/zipped folder.zip" vs folder/"zipped folder.zip" --

构建 command 中包含的完整命令后,我将其打印到屏幕上,以便我可以编辑->标记:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\winrar.exe" x -y "C:\Users\my name\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\extractor\folder\unzip.zip" *.* "c:\Users\my name\Desktop\output"

然而,'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 是我在 system(command) 电话后遇到的情况。


How to extract ZIP files with WinRAR command line?

是否有不同的方法来调用 system() 调用?

我宁愿[完全避免]不使用 Boost:: 或第 3 方库。


这可能是因为 quirky behavior of Command Prompt 在引用参数时。每当调用system("\"arg1\" \"arg2\""),就相当于调用:

cmd.exe /c "arg1" "arg2"

由于链接 post 中描述的奇怪行为,命令提示符无法正确解释。需要一组额外的引号:

cmd.exe /c ""arg1" "arg2""

对于调用可执行文件,CreateProcess provides an alternative that gives you more control over the process. You'll still have to quote the arguments but the rules are a bit simpler 因为命令提示符不再妨碍您。