
Simple unit testing with monoids

假设我测试一个函数 echo: String => String,它只是用 specs2 重复输入。


class EchoSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit {

  "echo should handle ASCII alphanumeric names" in {
    echo("abc") must beEqualTo("abc")

  "echo should handle names with slashes" in {
     echo("a/b/c") must beEqualTo("a/b/c")

  "echo should handle names with dots" in {
    echo("a.b.c") must beEqualTo("a.b.c")

  "echo should handle non-ASCII names" in {
    echo("אבג") must beEqualTo("אבג")

但是我更愿意摆脱样板代码。所以我正在使用 cats 幺半群:

import cats.implicits._

def testEcho(expected: String): String => Option[String] = {str =>
  if (str == expected) none else s"$str != expected".some

def testEchoes(expected: List[String]): Option[String] = 
  expected foldMap testEcho map (_.mkString(", "))

"echo should handle all names" {
   val expected = List("abc", "a/b/c", "a.b.c", "אבג")
   testEcho(expected) must beNone

有意义吗?如何improve/simplify呢? 这里真的需要幺半群吗?我可以 git 去掉上面 没有 幺半群的样板代码吗?

List("abc", "a/b/c", "a.b.c", "אבג")
  .foreach(s => echo(s) must beEqualTo(s))

你也可以使用 ScalaCheck

class EchoSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with ScalaCheck {
  "echo should handle all names" >> prop { s: String =>
    echo(s) must beEqualTo(s)