Google Bigquery - 运行 参数化查询 - php

Google Bigquery - Running parameterized queries - php

来自 Google Bigquery 文档:

Running parameterized queries

BigQuery supports query parameters to help prevent SQL injection when queries are constructed using user input. This feature is only available with standard SQL syntax.

To specify a named parameter, use the @ character followed by an identifier, such as @param_name.

和 Google Bigquery 有 python 和 Java 的示例代码以使用参数化查询。

Google Bigquery 在此处没有 php 参数化查询的 运行 示例代码。

我试过在 php 中使用 @ 就像在 python 和 java 代码中一样,它不起作用。



我应 Elliott 和 Mosha 的要求添加了代码


 $query = "SELECT * FROM [myproject.mydateset.users]  where user_id = '$userId' LIMIT 1000";
$queryResults = $this->bigQuery->runQuery($query);

这个查询没问题。但这并不能阻止 sql 注入。


$query = "SELECT * FROM [myproject.mydateset.users]  where user_id = '@$userId' LIMIT 1000";

$query = "SELECT * FROM [myproject.mydateset.users]  where user_id = @$userId LIMIT 1000";

防止sql注入。 两个查询都不起作用。

我没有设置项目来尝试这个,所以如果有语法错误或其他疏忽,我深表歉意,但请看看这是否有效。我根据您的查询 PHP API in Github. You will need to make sure to use standard SQL 而不是遗留 SQL.

$bigQuery = new BigQueryClient([
    'projectId' => $projectId,

$query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT word) AS distinct_words
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`
WHERE corpus = @corpus_name;";

$queryResults = $bigQuery->runQuery(
    ['useLegacySql' => false],
    ['queryParameter' => new QueryParameter([
       'name' => 'corpus_name',
       'parameterType' => new QueryParameterType([
         'type' => 'STRING',
       'parameterValue' => new QueryParameterValue([
         'value' => 'kingrichardii',


$cloud = new ServiceBuilder([
    'keyFilePath' => 'project-auth-file.json'

$bigQuery = $cloud->bigQuery();

 $query = 'select id 
             from `api-project-id.dbname.tablename` 
            where userId = @user_id;';

 $_userId = 202;

 $queryJobConfig = $bigQuery->query($query)
          'user_id' => (int)$_userId

  $queryResults = $bigQuery->runQuery($queryJobConfig);

  foreach ($queryResults as $row) {
      echo "<br>". $row['id'];
