是否有可能获得共享日历的所有者 [Outlook Interop]

Is it possible to get owner of a shared calendar [Outlook Interop]


我通过以下操作从文件夹中获取了 storeId:

Folder folder = Appointment.Application.ActiveExplorer().CurrentFolder as Folder;
string storeid = folder.StoreID;


这似乎并不像听起来那么容易。我以为有 Owner 属性,但不幸的是没有。

我发现这个 blog article 解释了如何从您已有的 StoreID 中提取所有者。


private string ParseEntryID(string storeID)
    string s = HexReader.GetString(storeID);
    //TODO: These values might be different depending on
    what you have named your groups in ESM
    const string REG_EX = @"/o=First Organization/ou=First
        Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=(\w+)";
    Match m = Regex.Match(s, REG_EX);

    return m.Value;

可在文章中找到 HexReader 的代码。