'long' 类型的数字在 java 中打印时更改其值

number of type 'long' changes its value when printed in java


"Books":[{"ID":88401542,"Title":"Building and Testing with Gradle","SubTitle":"Understanding Next-Generation Builds","Description":"Build and test software written in Java and many other languages with Gradle, the open source project automation tool that's getting a lot of attention. This concise introduction provides numerous code examples to help you explore Gradle, both as a b ..."},{"ID":2676913857...}

long book_id = 0 ;
try {
book_id = jsonBook.getInt(BOOK_ID);
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "book id: " + );


book id: -1814548740

这是什么原因?会不会是因为我没有铸造就打印了? 我的日志语句应该是:

Log.v("book id: " + new Long (book_id)) ;

Log.v("book id: " + new Long (book_id.toString())) ;

Log.v("book id: " + new String ( new Long(book_id))) ;

可能这个值超过了Integer.MAX_VALUE。最好使用 BigInteger:

BigInteger book_id = BigInteger(jsonBook.getText(BOOK_ID));

我不确定 getText() 是否正确,但我的想法是获取值作为 String


book_id = jsonBook.getInt(BOOK_ID);

如果 getInt(BOOK_ID) returns 溢出 int 类型的数字,那么您不应期望它能正常工作。 (我猜int是因为方法名)。

您可以检查 JSON API 是否有 getLong 方法,或者存储为字符串,然后使用 Long.valueOfLong.parseLong等等...

您使用 getInt() 阅读 long。如果您尝试读取的 long 值大于 int,那么您得到的是正常值。

由于您的 Book_ID 是长整型,您应该使用 getLong 来获取值:

book_id = jsonBook.getLong(BOOK_ID);