
Determining the status of Transaction after disposal


考虑以下 TransactionScope:

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    // Do stuff


现在,在另一个 class 中,在一个单独的线程中,我正在查看具有类似事务的对象列表:

private static void ProcessActions()
        action = pendingActions[0];
        if (action.CurrentTransaction == null || 
            action.CurrentTransaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Committed)
            // Proceed to do things!!
            remove = true;
        else if (action.CurrentTransaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Aborted)
            // Transaction has aborted. Remove this action from the list
            remove = true;

        if (remove)
            lock (pendingActions)
                eventCount = pendingActions.Count;

我在构造函数中创建新动作时为动作设置了 CurrentTransaction:

public Action()
    CurrentTransaction = System.Transactions.Transaction.Current;

问题是,当另一个线程正在处理操作时,action.CurrentTransaction 被释放,抛出 System.ObjectDisposedException。

如何在 Action 处理前跟踪每个事务的状态?

我相信我已经找到了利用 Transaction.TransactionCompleted Event 的解决方案。

我使用以下代码将委托分配给 TransactionCompleted 事件:

System.Transactions.Transaction.Current.TransactionCompleted += new TransactionCompletedEventHandler(Mother.Current_TransactionCompleted);


public static void Current_TransactionCompleted(object sender, TransactionEventArgs e)
    var originatingTransaction = sender as System.Transactions.Transaction;

    lock (pendingActions)
        for (int i = pendingActions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var action = pendingActions[i];

            if (originatingTransaction.Equals(action.CurrentTransaction))
                var transactionStatus = e.Transaction.TransactionInformation.Status;
                if (transactionStatus == TransactionStatus.Committed)
                    // Later in the code, I will do stuff if CurrentTransaction is null
                    action.CurrentTransaction = null;
                else if (transactionStatus == TransactionStatus.Aborted)
                    // if It's aborted, I will remove this action
                // I will skip processing any actions that still have a Transaction with the status of "Processing"