组合和过滤 Observable 以获取 QueryFirebase 的唯一键

Combined and Filter Observable for Unique Keys to QueryFirebase

我正在开发一个应用程序,承包商可以在特定日期说他们 "available",并且每个承包商都有一个 "location"。雇主可以根据位置和可用性搜索可用性。

该位置基于 GeoFire。这 return 是可用承包商的 $key。


geoQueryContractor(radius, lat, lng) {

    const subject = new Subject();

    this.fbGeoRef = firebase.database().ref('geofire')

    this.geoFire = new GeoFire(this.fbGeoRef);


    this.geoQuery = this.geoFire.query({
        center: [lat, lng],
        radius: radius

    this.geoQuery.on("key_entered", function(key, location, distance) {

    return subject.asObservable();


接下来,我可以通过搜索如下所示的 firebase 节点来获取可用性“/AvailForContractor/${timestamp}/$uid:true”


getAvailablitybyContractor(timestamp) {

    const availContractorKeys$ = this.db.list(`/AvailForContractor/${timestamp}`);

    const AvailContractors$ = availContractorKeys$

        //maping each key
        .map(keysPerContractor => keysPerContractor

        //once we have each key, we can map it and create an fb object observable
        .map(keyPerContractor => this.db.object(`/users/${keyPerContractor.$key}`)))

        //now we got back an array of firebase object observables (fbojs) and we need to combine them in to one observable
        .mergeMap(fbojs => Observable.combineLatest(fbojs))


我让这两个彼此独立工作。我真的需要知道在第二个函数中的所有 $key 的 returned 中,哪些可以在第一个函数中按位置使用。我只需要 return 满足这两个条件的配置文件。

我一直在摆弄 CombineLatest、mergeMap、withLatestFrom 和 Filter,但我不知道如何以正确的方式做到这一点。

我的想法是,一旦我从第二个函数中获得键,将它与 GeoFire observable 结合并过滤唯一键,然后执行此部分:

    //once we have each key, we can map it and create an fb object observable
    .map(keyPerContractor => this.db.object(`/users/${keyPerContractor.$key}`)))

    //now we got back an array of firebase object observables (fbojs) and we need to combine them in to one observable
    .mergeMap(fbojs => Observable.combineLatest(fbojs))


getAvailablitybyContractor(timestamp, radius, lat, lng) {

    const availContractorKeys$ = this.db.list(`/AvailForContractor/${timestamp}`);

    //when we get back the keys, we are going to switch to another obeservables
    const AvailContractors$ = availContractorKeys$

        //maping each key
        .map(keysPerContractor => keysPerContractor
            .map(keyPerContractor => keyPerContractor.$key))
            .combineLatest(this.geoQueryContractor(radius, lat, lng))

            //  .withLatestFrom(this.geoQueryContractor(radius, lat, lng), (keysPerContractor, geo) => ( [keysPerContractor, geo] ))
            //once we have each key, we can map it and create an fb object observable

        //     .map(keyPerContractor => this.db.object(`/users/${keyPerContractor.$key}`)))
        // //now we got back an array of firebase object observables (fbojs) and we need to combine them in to one observable
        // .mergeMap(fbojs => Observable.combineLatest(fbojs))



GeoFire 顺便踢出这样的个别按键:


Firebase 将踢出一组键:

[3vAWWHaxHRZ94tc8yY08CH3QNQy3, H74INXgYWIMrUcAtZloFGkwJ6Qd2, J9DHhg5VQrMpNyAN8ElCWyMWh8i2, fdZYKqqiL0bSVF66zGjBhQVu9Hf1  ]

最终结果将是那些以我用来获取配置文件的 RX 方式的唯一组合。



static geoArray: Array<string> = [];

constructor(private af: AngularFire, private db: AngularFireDatabase) {


getAvailablitybyContractor(timestamp, radius, lat, lng) {

    const availContractorKeys$ = this.db.list(`/AvailForContractor/${timestamp}`);

    const AvailContractors$ = availContractorKeys$

        //maping each key
        .map(keysPerContractor => keysPerContractor.map(keyPerContractor => keyPerContractor.$key)
        .filter(key => ContractorService.geoArray.indexOf(key) > -1)

         //once we have each key, we can map it and create an fb object observable
        .map(keyPerContractor => this.db.object(`/users/${keyPerContractor}`)))

        //now we got back an array of firebase object observables (fbojs) and we need to combine them in to one observable
        .mergeMap(fbojs => Observable.combineLatest(fbojs))


geoQueryContractor(radius, lat, lng) {

    this.fbGeoRef = firebase.database().ref('geofire')

    this.geoFire = new GeoFire(this.fbGeoRef);


    this.geoQuery = this.geoFire.query({
        center: [lat, lng],
        radius: radius

    this.geoQuery.on("key_entered", function(key, location, distance) {





这个解决方案要好得多。上面那个真的是马车。它与清除阵列有关。在一天结束时,我将不得不执行 2 次搜索才能获得正确的结果。不可接受。


getAvailablitybyContractor(timestamp) {

    let availContractorKeys$ = this.db.list(`/AvailForContractor/${timestamp}`);

    this.AvailContractors$ = availContractorKeys$

        //maping each key
        .map(keysPerContractor => keysPerContractor.map(keyPerContractor => keyPerContractor.$key))
        //Combine observable from GeoQuery
        .combineLatest(this.keys$, (fb, geo) => ([fb, geo]))
        // fb, geo are accessible individually
        // .filter method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function
        // key is now iteriable through geo.indexOf
        .map(([fb, geo]) => {
            return fb.filter(key => geo.indexOf(key) > -1)
        .map(filteredKeys => filteredKeys.map(keyPerContractor => this.db.object(`/users/${keyPerContractor}`)))
        //now we got back an array of firebase object observables (fbojs) and we need to combine them in to one observable
        .mergeMap(fbojs => {
            return Observable.combineLatest(fbojs)


getGeoQuery(radius, lat, lng) {

    this.geoQuery = this.geoFire.query({
        center: [lat, lng],
        radius: radius


geoQueryContractor() {

    return this.keys$ = Observable.create(observer => {

        var keys = new Array();

        this.geoQuery.on("key_entered", (key, location, distance) => {

