
how to get the response of called Action within an Action in play framework

我在不同的控制器中有两个 Action ActionA 和 ActionB 我在 ActionA 中调用 ActionB 并且我想在 ActionA 中获得它的(ActionB)响应是否可能?我怎样才能实现这个请帮助这是我的代码

class ControllerA extends Controller{

def ActionA = Action { implicit request =>
    var jsonRequest = request.body.asJson.get
    val uuid = (jsonRequest \ "uuid").as[String]
    log.info("in ActionA" + uuid)
    val controllerB= new ControllerB
    val actionB=controllerB.ActionB.apply(request)
    //here i want to get the response of ActionB and return this response as the response of ActionA whether its OK or InternelServerError
    Ok("i want to show the response of ActionB")

class ControllerB extends Controller{
def ActionB = Action { implicit request =>
    var jsonRequest = request.body.asJson.get
    val uuid = (jsonRequest \ "uuid").as[String]
    log.info("in ActionB " + uuid)
    try {
      Ok("i am ActionB with id {}"+uuid)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        log.error("Exception ", e)
        val status = Http.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
        InternalServerError(Json.obj("status" -> status, "msg" -> ServerResponseMessages.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))


如果您将控制器部署在单个 JVM 中,我认为您可以从 ActionB 中提取一个函数并在两个控制器之间共享代码。如果您将控制器部署在两个不同的 JVM 中,在这种情况下您需要使用 Web 服务客户端库来查询端点。只是我的两分钱。

在游戏中,2.2 和 2.3 控制器通常是 object 而不是 class,所以我将您的控制器更改为对象。在较新版本的游戏控制器中 类 使用 Guice 框架注入。

由于操作调用是异步的,您需要将 ActionA 更改为 Action.async。以下是我所做的更改:

object ControllerA extends Controller{

  def ActionA = Action.async { implicit request =>
    var jsonRequest = request.body.asJson.get
    val uuid = (jsonRequest \ "uuid").as[String]
    log.info("in ActionA" + uuid)

object ControllerB extends Controller{
  def ActionB = Action { implicit request =>
    var jsonRequest = request.body.asJson.get
    val uuid = (jsonRequest \ "uuid").as[String]
    log.info("in ActionB " + uuid)
    try {
      Ok("i am ActionB with id {}"+uuid)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        log.error("Exception ", e)
        val status = Http.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
        InternalServerError(Json.obj("status" -> status, "msg" -> ServerResponseMessages.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
