在 Swift 中打印数据的大小(兆字节)

Print the size (megabytes) of Data in Swift

我有一个数据类型的变量 fileData,我正在努力寻找如何打印它的大小。

在过去的 NSData 中,您会打印长度,但使用此类型无法做到这一点。


您可以使用 count 的 Data 对象,仍然可以使用 length 的 NSData

count 应该适合您的需要。您需要将字节转换为兆字节 (Double(data.count) / pow(1024, 2))

使用 yourData.count 并除以 1024 * 1024。使用 Alexanders 极好的建议:

    func WhosebugAnswer() {
      if let data = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "VanGogh.jpg").pngData() {
      print("There were \(data.count) bytes")
      let bcf = ByteCountFormatter()
      bcf.allowedUnits = [.useMB] // optional: restricts the units to MB only
      bcf.countStyle = .file
      let string = bcf.string(fromByteCount: Int64(data.count))
      print("formatted result: \(string)")


There were 28865563 bytes
formatted result: 28.9 MB

如果您的目标是打印尺寸以供使用,请使用 ByteCountFormatter

import Foundation

let byteCount = 512_000 // replace with data.count
let bcf = ByteCountFormatter()
bcf.allowedUnits = [.useMB] // optional: restricts the units to MB only
bcf.countStyle = .file
let string = bcf.string(fromByteCount: Int64(byteCount))


extension Data {
func sizeString(units: ByteCountFormatter.Units = [.useAll], countStyle: ByteCountFormatter.CountStyle = .file) -> String {
    let bcf = ByteCountFormatter()
    bcf.allowedUnits = units
    bcf.countStyle = .file

    return bcf.string(fromByteCount: Int64(count))


let dataObject = Data()
print("Size is \(dataObject)")


Size is 0 bytes

换句话说,.count 在较新的 Swift 3.2 或更高版本中将不是必需的。

在以下代码中输入您的文件 URL 以获取以 MB 为单位的文件大小,希望这对您有所帮助。

let data = NSData(contentsOf: FILE URL)!
let fileSize = Double(data.count / 1048576) //Convert in to MB
print("File size in MB: ", fileSize)


if let data = "some string".data(using: .utf8)! {
  print("There were \(data.count) bytes")
  let bcf = ByteCountFormatter()
  bcf.allowedUnits = [.useKB] // optional: restricts the units to MB only
  bcf.countStyle = .file
  let string = bcf.string(fromByteCount: Int64(data.count))
  print("formatted result: \(string)")

Swift 5.1

extension Int {
    var byteSize: String {
        return ByteCountFormatter().string(fromByteCount: Int64(self))


let yourData = Data()

获取 Data 大小(以兆字节为单位)的快速扩展,如 Double

extension Data {
    func getSizeInMB() -> Double {
        let bcf = ByteCountFormatter()
        bcf.allowedUnits = [.useMB]
        bcf.countStyle = .file
        let string = bcf.string(fromByteCount: Int64(self.count)).replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: ".")
        if let double = Double(string.replacingOccurrences(of: " MB", with: "")) {
            return double
        return 0.0