XML 在 python 中解析(Elia 结构)

XML Parsing in python (Elia structure)

我想解析这个 xml 类型的文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SolarForecastingChartDataForZone xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Elia.PublicationService.DomainInterface.SolarForecasting.v3" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <ErrorMessage i:nil="true"/>
        <StartsOn xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System">

恢复水平 <Forecast><a:DateTime>

我试过beautiful soup和minidom,例如:

from xml.dom import minidom
xmldoc = minidom.parse('xmlfile')
itemlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Forecast')
print(len(itemlist)) #to get the number of savings
for s in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Forecast'):
    print s.nodeValue

但我没有任何价值。 我想我错了,但我不明白为什么。 有人可以帮助我吗? 谢谢

不太确定你想要的输出是什么,但当我看到这个问题时我正在使用 LXML 和 XPATH。

from lxml import html
mystring = ''' I cut and pasted your string here '''
tree = html.fromstring(mystring)
>>> for forecast in tree.xpath('//forecast'):

>>> for dtime in tree.xpath('//datetime'):



all_elements = [e for e in tree.iter()]
for each_element in all_elements[1:]:  # The first element is the root - it has all the text without the tags though so I don't want to look at this one
    each_element.tag, each_element.text_content()

('errormessage', '')
('intervalinminutes', '15')
('solarforecastingchartdataforzoneitems', '\n    \n        -50\n        -50\n        -50\n        0\n        0\n        0\n        0\n        -50\n        -50\n        0\n        0\n        \n            2013-09-29T22:00:00Z\n            0\n        \n        -50\n        -50\n        -50\n    \n    \n        -50\n        -50\n        -50\n        0\n        0\n        0\n        0')
('solarforecastingchartdataforzoneitem', '\n        -50\n        -50\n        -50\n        0\n        0\n        0\n        0\n        -50\n        -50\n        0\n        0\n        \n            2013-09-29T22:00:00Z\n            0\n        \n        -50\n        -50\n        -50\n    ')
('dayaheadforecast', '-50')
('dayaheadp10', '-50')
('dayaheadp90', '-50')
('forecast', '0')
('forecastp10', '0')
('forecastp90', '0')
('forecastupdated', '0')
('intradayp10', '-50')