
Login Script with Function Won't Authenticate User

我创建了一个使用名为 "authenticateuser" 的函数的脚本,当我输入错误的用户名和密码时,该程序可以正常运行,但是当我输入正确的凭据时,它仍然 returns 失败.尝试四处移动但找不到解决方案。是位置不对还是我遗漏了一些最终代码?

loggedin = False
wrongcount = 0

def authenticateuser(theusername, thepassword):
    theusername = "homerjsimpson"
    thepassword = "marge"

def main():

    username = ""
    password = ""   

while loggedin == False and wrongcount < 5:
    username = input("Please enter username: ")
    password = input("Please enter password: ")
    if password == authenticateuser and username == authenticateuser:
        loggedin = True
        print("Authentication Failed")
        wrongcount = wrongcount + 1
        loggedin = False

if(loggedin == True):
    print("Welcome to the program!")
    print("Locked Out")


您正在检查密码和用户名是否是函数,显然它们不是。我相信您实际上想要 authenticateuser 到 return 包含 theusernamethepassword 的字典。像这样:

def authenticate_user(username, password):
    return {"username": username, "password": password}


credentials = authenticate_user("homerjsimpson", "marge")

while logged_in == False and wrong_count < 5:
    username = input("Please enter username: ")
    password = input("Please enter password: ")
    if password == credentials["password"] and username == credentials["username"]:
        logged_in = True
        print("Authentication Failed")
        wrong_count = wrong_count + 1
        loggedin = False

(作为旁注,您应该使用 _ 来分隔变量和函数名称中的单词)

您没有正确调用 authenticateuser。像这样的事情会如你所愿:

loggedin = False
wrongcount = 0

def authenticateuser(theusername, thepassword):
    if theusername == "homerjsimpson" and thepassword == "marge":
        return True
        return False

def main():

    username = ""
    password = ""

while loggedin == False and wrongcount < 5:
    username = input("Please enter username: ")
    password = input("Please enter password: ")
    if authenticateuser(username, password):
        loggedin = True
        print("Authentication Failed")
        wrongcount = wrongcount + 1
        loggedin = False

if(loggedin == True):
    print("Welcome to the program!")
    print("Locked Out")


编辑:此外,您的 main 调用没有执行任何操作。 python 代码逐行评估,因此您的 "main" 循环实际上是您执行 "while loggedin == False" 的地方。当你调用函数 main 时,你的程序基本上已经完成了所有事情,main 只是将用户名和密码设置为空字符串,但对这些值没有做任何进一步的事情

authenticateuser 必须对输入参数做一些处理,而 return True 如果 username/passord 匹配,否则它必须 return False。

我们可以用很多不同的方式来写,例如版本 1:

def authenticateuser(theusername, thepassword):
    if theusername == "homerjsimpson" and thepassword == "marge":
        return True
        return False

版本 2(更好):

def authenticateuser(theusername, thepassword):
    return theusername == "homerjsimpson" and thepassword == "marge"

版本 3(甚至更好):

def authenticateuser(theusername, thepassword):
    authentication_db = {
        # username       # password
        'homerjsimpson': 'marge',
    return authentication_db.get(theusername) == thepassword

通常当我们让某人登录时,我们需要跟踪他们的登录状态。让我们创建一个简单的 class(为此目的 Session):

class Session:
    def __init__(self, username=None, loggedin=False):
        self.username = username
        self.loggedin = loggedin

登录功能现在可以询问用户名和密码,并调用 authenticateuser 查看它们是否正确。如果它们不正确,我们会增加 wrongcount 计数器。

在任何一种情况下,我们 return 包含用户名和用户是否登录的会话:

def login():
    loggedin = False
    wrongcount = 0

    while not loggedin:
        username = input("Please enter username: ")
        password = input("Please enter password: ")

        if authenticateuser(username, password):
            return Session(username, True)

        wrongcount += 1
        if wrongcount > 5:
            return Session(username, False)

现在 main 可以调用 login() 并取回 session 对象。可以检查此对象的 .loggedin 并打印相应的消息。由于我们已经记录了用户名,我们还可以个性化消息:

def main():
    session = login()
    if session.loggedin:
        print("Welcome to the program!", session.username)
        print(session.username, "you've been locked out!")
