
Lost in Proof for Recursive function


编辑 #3 最后证明感谢帮助

f (k + 1) – f(k) = 
(k + 1) ^2 – ½ (k + 1) (k + 1 – 1) – k^2 – ½ (k (k -1)) =
k^2 + 2k + 1 – ½ (k^2 – k) – k^2 + ½ (k^2 - k) =  
2k + 1 - k =
k + 1

编辑 #2 这是我到目前为止的证明,我确信我离题太远了。

Base Case, n = 1
When n is 1, 1 is returned        Line 1
 1^2-(1*(1-1))/2 = 1
Inductive Case, n > 1
Assume for k = n-1, show for n = k
triangular_recursive(k) =
triangular_recursive (k -1) + k =        Line 1
(k – 1) ^2 – ½(k-1) (k-1-1) + k =      Inductive Assumption
k^2 -2k +1 – ½ (k^2 -3k +2) + k =
k^2 – k + 1 – ½ (k^2 -3k + 2)
This doesn’t see, correct at all.


 This provides a brute force proof of my algorithm

 Originally, everything was integer type.
 I changed to double when I added pow.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

// this is the original function
// we were to rewrite this as a recursive function
// so the proof would be simpler
double triangular(double n) {
    auto result = 0;
    for (auto i = 1; i <= n; i++) result += i;
    return result;

 * This is my recursive implementation
 * It includes base case and post case

// n > 0
double triangular_recursive(double n) {
    return  (n == 1) ? n : triangular_recursive(n - 1) + n;
// returns n^2 - (n(n-1)) / 2

// utility method to test my theory by brute force
double test_my_theory(double n)
    return pow(n, 2) - (n * (n - 1))/2;

int main(void)
    // at values much beyond 4000, this loop fails
   // edit added - the failure is due to values too large
   // the program crashes when this occurs
   //  this is a drawback of using recursive functions
    for (auto i = 1; i <= 4000; i++) 
        if (test_my_theory(i) != triangular_recursive(i) || test_my_theory(i) != triangular(i)) 
            std::cout << "\n!= at i = " << i;
    // I am not getting any "i ="'s so I assume a good brute force test
    return 0;

 * My proof so far:
Base Case, n = 1
When n is 1, 1 is returned        Line 1
 1^2-(1*(1-1))/2 = 1
Inductive Case, n > 1
Assume for k = n-1, show for n = k
triangular_recursive(k) =
triangular_recursive (k -1) + k =        Line 1
(k – 1) ^2 – ½(k-1)(k-1-1) + k =      Inductive Assumption


recursive(param) {
    if (base_case)
        return base_value;

    new_param = move_param_toward_base(param);
    return combine(present_value, recursive(new_param);


  1. 证明一些(通常是微不足道的)基本情况。
  2. 证明一些扩展它的方法,这样如果基本情况是正确的,你的扩展版本对于一些更大的输入集仍然是正确的。
  3. 证明扩展可以或多或少地任意应用,因此结果对所有输入都成立。


  1. 您表明您已正确检测和处理基本情况。
  2. 你表明你对其他值的扩展是正确的。
  3. 您表明您修改参数的方式将在有限的步骤中得出基本情况。

但是,也有一些差异,包括您似乎 运行 进入这里的那个。特别是在数学中,非模数可以无限增长——但在计算机上,所有数字都是模数; none 其中可以无限增长。