C++ 模板:全局对象中的静态成员未初始化

C++ template: The static member in a global object is not initialized


我的c++编译器是:g++ (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609

template<typename T>
class TB{
  const char *_name;
  TB(const char * str):_name(str){
    cout << "constructor is called:" << _name << endl;

  virtual ~TB(){
    cout << "destructor is called:" << _name << endl;

template<typename T>
class TA{
  const char *_name;
  TA(const char * str):_name(str){
    cout << "constructor is called:" << _name << endl;
    cout << tb._name <<endl;

  virtual ~TA(){
    cout << "destructor is called:" << _name << endl;

  static TB<T> tb;

template<typename T>
  TB<T> TA<T>::tb("static-tb");
TA<int> ta("global-ta");

int main(int argc,char ** argv){
  cout << "program started." << endl;
  cout << "program stopped." << endl;
  return 0;

constructor is called:global-ta
// yes, only such a single line.

如果我像下面这样将 ta 的定义放在 main() 中,它就可以工作。

int main(int argc,char ** argv){
  cout << "program started." << endl;
  TA<int> ta("local-ta");
  cout << "program stopped." << endl;
  return 0;

constructor is called:static-tb
program started.
constructor is called:local-ta
program stopped.
destructor is called:local-ta
destructor is called:static-tb
// end of output

在第一种情况下,您的程序在 main 启动之前崩溃了。它在 ta 的构造函数内部崩溃,因为它访问了尚未构造的 tb 。这是 静态初始化顺序 Fiasco


第二种情况是成功的,因为 tamain 里面,这保证了非局部的 tb 是在 ta 之前构造的。



知道tb是模板静态数据成员,this quote from cppreference applies:

Dynamic initialization

After all static initialization is completed, dynamic initialization of non-local variables occurs in the following situations:

1) Unordered dynamic initialization, which applies only to (static/thread-local) variable templates and (since C++11) class template static data members that aren't explicitly specialized. Initialization of such static variables is indeterminately sequenced with respect to all other dynamic initialization except if the program starts a thread before a variable is initialized, in which case its initialization is unsequenced (since C++17). Initialization of such thread-local variables is unsequenced with respect to all other dynamic initialization.

所以这里不能保证顺序!由于 ta 是具有 显式 模板特化的静态变量,因此允许编译器在 tb 之前对其进行初始化。


Early dynamic initialization

The compilers are allowed to initialize dynamically-initialized variables as part of static initialization (essentially, at compile time), if the following conditions are both true:

1) the dynamic version of the initialization does not change the value of any other object of namespace scope prior to its initialization

2) the static version of the initialization produces the same value in the initialized variable as would be produced by the dynamic initialization if all variables not required to be initialized statically were initialized dynamically. Because of the rule above, if initialization of some object o1 refers to an namespace-scope object o2, which potentially requires dynamic initialization, but is defined later in the same translation unit, it is unspecified whether the value of o2 used will be the value of the fully initialized o2 (because the compiler promoted initialization of o2 to compile time) or will be the value of o2 merely zero-initialized.




template<typename T>
class TA{
    static TB<T>& getTB();

template<typename T>
TB<T>& TA<T>::getTB()
{ static TB<T> tb("static-tb");
  return tb;