variant<int, string> 可以是 constexpr 吗?

Can variant<int, string> be constexpr?

来自cppreference documentation for variant::variant()

This constructor is constexpr if and only if the value initialization of the alternative type T_0 would satisfy the requirements for a constexpr function.

上面没有提到变体中的其他类型,所以如果变体必须有一个非平凡的析构函数,那么声明 constexpr variant<int, string> v; 是否有效?

您的引用并不意味着声明 constexpr variant<int, string> v; 有效。引用 N4140(大致是 C++14 而不是 C++1z,但概念没有改变):

7.1.5 The constexpr specifier [dcl.constexpr]

9 A constexpr specifier used in an object declaration declares the object as const. Such an object shall have literal type and shall be initialized. If it is initialized by a constructor call, that call shall be a constant expression (5.19). [...]
