Python Luigi 任务结构

Python Luigi Task structure

class Download(Task):

    date_interval = DateIntervalParameter()

    def output(self):
            return LocalTarget("data/user_{0}.tar.bz2".format(self.date_interval))

    def run(self):
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            SENTENCE_URL = ''
            sentence_file = download(SENTENCE_URL, out=self.output().path)

class Uncompress(Task):

    date_interval = DateIntervalParameter()

    def output(self):
            return LocalTarget("data/user_{0}.tar".format(self.date_interval))

    def requires(self):
            return Download(self.date_interval)

    def run(self):
            with open(self.output().path, 'wb') as tar_file, open(self.input().path, 'rb') as file:
                    decompressor = BZ2Decompressor()
                    #loop over each tar file in the bzip file
                    for data in iter(lambda : * 1024), b''):

我的第一个任务是从互联网上下载一个文件,下一个任务是解压缩它。我要编写的下一个任务将从 tar 文件中的 CSV 文件读取并将其解析为多个文件。即 data/file_{var}、data/faile_{var2}.. 等。但我相信任务 3 需要有一个日期间隔才能传递给其他任务。



Parameters are resolved in the following order of decreasing priority:

1. Any value passed to the constructor, or task level value set on the command line (applies on an instance level) 
2. Any value set on the command line (applies on a class level) 
3. Any configuration option (applies on a class level) 
4. Any default value provided to the parameter (applies on a class level)


luigi Uncompress --Download-dateinverval 2017-02-03
