如果我在 koala 中指定 v2.2 版本,为什么 Facebook 声称我的 facebook 应用程序 'is still calling Graph API v1.0'?

Why is Facebook claiming that my facebook app 'is still calling Graph API v1.0' if I specified v2.2 version in koala?

我们最近收到了两个关于我们的 Facebook 应用程序的警报。

Your app is still calling Graph API v1.0 which will be deprecated on April 30, 2015. You must upgrade this app to v2.0 or greater before that date.

To help you experience the potential effects of this migration, starting tomorrow at 12pm PST, the admins, developers, testers and Test Users associated with this app will be upgraded to use API v2.0 by default. This change won't affect your public users until April 30, 2015.

You'll be able to temporarily opt-out of this behavior in the Migrations tab of your app's dashboard - but the migration will be automatically re-enabled every two weeks until April 30, 2015.

For more information, please read our upgrade guide and login review guide.


We have detected that your app is still calling Graph API v1.0 which will be deprecated on April 30, 2015. You must upgrade this app to v2.0 or greater before that date.

但是,通过在 koala 配置中指定 api 版本,我们已经使用 Graph API v2.2 几个月了(我们总是使用 koala 来调用 GraphAPI):

 Koala.config.api_version = "v2.2"

由于我们需要 subscribed_apps 端点,因此我们使用 v2.2。如果调用 subscribed_app,则切换到 v1.0 会导致 OAuthException, code: 12, message: (#12) Requires version v2.2 or higher [HTTP 400]

我知道根本不指定版本会导致选择最旧的可用版本,但我们已经在 koala 中指定了版本,所以这不是我们案例的重点。

是否可以从 Facebook 找出导致警报的原因?


对于较旧的应用程序,您会看到不同的消息,例如您的应用程序升级已完成 98%。

对于最近创建的应用程序(我的是在 2014 年 7 月创建的)已经是 v2.0 或更高版本的应用程序,您可能会收到警报,但您可以在 https://developers.facebook.com/apps/upgrade/ 查看的消息说:

You do not need to upgrade any apps.

我也收到了来自 Facebook 的一条建议:

If you're confident your app is upgraded, you can go into the Migrations tab of the Settings section of the App Dashboard - and flip the "Use Graph API v2.0 by default" switch to "On" - then you can be sure you're API migration is ready for April 30th.

If you don't see that setting then you're already using v2.0 or greater, so you have nothing to worry about.

如果您确定您的服务器端调用和客户端登录都没有使用 v1.0 版本或者您选择了选项 "Use Graph API v2.0 by default",您可以假定您的应用已准备好在 4 月 30 日发布并忽略警报。
